2.Peppermint (2/12)

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"on the second day of christmas my true love gave to me;
two turtle doves
and a partridge in a pear tree~"

"You seriously need to stop eating those things, you're gonna get your ass sick, Ouma.."

"Shush Baka-chan! You can't tell me what to do!"

Kokichi had probably eaten about 50 peppermints already that day. Including a few candy canes, cookies and who knows what else.

"Fine, if you end up getting a cavity don't blame it on me!" Kaito stated and left the A/V room, leaving Ouma alone with his white and red swirlies. (That's what he calls them at least..)

"Hmph, stupid Kai-chan can't tell me anything! These won't get me sick at a..aaaah.....ow..." Kokichi groaned, clutching onto his stomach and dropping the bag of peppermints.

"Hey! Cockichi— wooah, what'd ya do here? Need some help?"

God dammit, anyone but her.

"N-nah, it's just a small tummy ache. You have no idea how much this hurts! Help me Iruma-chan!" Kokichi pouted and began crying obnoxiously loud making her recoil.

'Good, she fell for it.' He thought to himself.

"Yeah yeah, I know you're in pain shota. I say drop the fuckin' mints!" She growled and took the bag of fresh goodness away from him.

"Nooo~ my minties!" He whined as she walked away with them in her hands, and took out some pills with another.

"Take these dumbass. Chewable's are all I got so eat em' fast!" She scolded him as he rolled his eyes, reluctantly taking the pills dry.

"There? Happy now?" Kokichi questioned with a sour look on his face.

"Hmmm~ nah, I'm gonna get Kiru-bitch to hide these from you! Baiyeeee!" She stuck her tongue out at him and ran out the room.

- Time Skip ~

How dare she.

This is so cruel.

His only weakness.

...Tall things.

That, is what went through Kokichi Ouma's mind as he endlessly glared at the tied up bag of peppermints on the top of the fridge.

"Now I'm just being bullied!" He sulked and clawed at the fridge like a dog.

"No, Ouma-kun. You're being prevented from getting another stomach ache.. I'm sure that will be unpleasant for you am I correct?" Kirumi told him, picking Kokichi up by the scarf and plopping him down in a dining hall chair.

"Hnnnn..I guess Mom is right, but what am I supposed to eat now!" He cried dramatically into his arms. But jumped when a small finger double tapped his shoulder making Ouma look up.

"O-oh, heyy Saihara-chan~ What brings you here toda— mphf!" Kokichi's mouth was filled with..chocolate?

Instead of questioning it, he just continued chewing until it was all gone. But, since when did Shuichi pulls moves like that?

"Hey, um..I noticed you looked really—deprived? back there. So if you want, you c-can have these.." He blushed and handed Kokichi a bag of chocolates.

The leader looked at the back and back up again to see the detective already gone. Seriously, when did he get this much charisma?!

Nonetheless Kokichi slowly opened the bag and ate all the chocolates. One by one.

~ Time skip ~

By the time he finished eating, he got so sick he went to go throw up in the bathroom. The only trace of him being the one who ate all of them were two chocolate turtle doves on the desk.

Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree.

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