
52 4 2

Me: eats crackers away from the bed

Crumbs: uhmmm I think you mean right under your ass have a good night sleeping

"Who's a good girl? You are, yes you are!"

"He—ahh!! Who's dog is that?"

The dog just stared at Shuichi blankly before returning to nudging Kokichi's hands for pets.

"He is our dog! Say hi to Spitzy!" Kokichi smiled and cupped the dogs face probably to make him look cuter.

That was hard when it looked like a demon spawn bulldog.

"Uhhhhh, why didn't you get a smaller dog?" Shuichi asked and stepped away.

"Because how do you think a tiny dog is supposed to catch Santa Claus?"

"..." Right, He never told Kokichi. It was his first proper Christmas tomorrow. Shuichi didn't have the heart to do this dammit!

"O-of course! Do you think that I'd forget that?" Shuichi said and picked him up bridal style.

"Maybe, Shuichi's so much of a worry wart he forgets the difference between day and night." Kokichi nuzzled into him.

"Lucky for you I can clearly tell it's night time. And you've been staying up with that dog—" "Spitzy." "Spitzy so long you must be tired."

Shuichi set him down on their bed and kissed him on the cheek. "Wait." Shuichi felt a small hand grab his shirt.

"Don't forget to take the celery out the oven." Kokichi said and went to sleep.

"Alright...wait you did what?"

Sure enough when Shuichi checked the oven, there were badly burnt celery cookies and a note on the plate they were to go on.

'Here's some celery cookies, if you get any fatter you'll explode! -Kokichi Ouma'

What was he supposed to do? 'Santa' obviously wouldn't come tonight, so..


Shuichi whipped around to see Spitzy with a skeptical look on his face, how was that possible?

"Look, you may not like me. And I definitely don't like you. But we're gonna have to do this. Okay?"

Spitzy's expression didn't even change.

"Good let's go."

And so here Shuichi was, dressed up as his own Santa Claus and right in front of the trap Kokichi set. For someone who wanted to catch Santa it was pretty vanilla.

"What are you waiting for? Eat it. This has to look believable." Shuichi aggressively whispered and shoved a celery cookie into the dogs mouth.

Spitzy just kept spitting it out and eventually bit Shuichi's hand.

"Ow! Hey, stop that! Fine, I'll eat it." Shuichi groaned and picked up another cookie, barely pushing it down. He hoped he wouldn't get sick after that.

"That was disgusting. Expect me to put one of those in your bowl after this." Shuichi shivered.

Now was the harder part, actually getting caught in the trap. It hardly made any sense, but it was Kokichi. What could you expect?

"I think it starts hEEE—" Shuichi was cut off as a series of events caused him to get stuck in the air tangled in rope. Really if Santa existed this thing wouldn't hold at all.

"RRrrrarff..ggrrrRuuUu!!" Spitzy started going nuts.

"S-spitzy?! What are you—"

"Good boy! I knew it'd work." Oh, oh no.

"Sit Spitzy, I wanna ask Santa all the thing I've been waiting for!"

That was when Shuichi realized he did even prep for this.

"Well? Did those cookies work? You seem so skinnier, who am I kidding of course they did! Are your reindeer outside? I can't really check the roof so I'll just assume they are."

Shuichi sweat dropped, listening to him ramble on for a bit. This was easier than he thought.

"Enough of wasting your time Mr.Santa, do you know where my Shumai went?" Kokichi asked and sat a chair in front of him.

"Hm, I-I have no idea what you mean."

"Eh? You don't? I thought you were supposed to give me presents, not take them!"


"How about another question, is Santa real?"


"Nishishi~ You don't have to make yourself look like an idiot for me Saihara." Kokichi giggled and began cutting him down from the rope.

"So you knew the whole time?"

"Obviously! I'm not five!"

"...So you made me eat those just for a prank?" Shuichi lolled his head down.

"Hey don't look like that, I'm sure you looked really stupid." He spoke when Shuichi almost dropped dead.

"Ack! Catch me better next time!"

"Next time?"

"Shut up."

When they were both sure Shuichi wouldn't die from the lack of blood flow, Shuichi undressed from the Santa get up.

"Do we really have to keep the dog?" Shuichi whispered.

"Spitzy! His name is Spitzy! And yes we do." Kokichi pouted and hugged him.

Said dog looked at Shuichi with an 'I win' sort of face which was creepy beyond anything. He'll be lucky if he even lasts a week.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now