
60 4 4

I will trap Santa in my box
Locked up like fort knox
And make him suck my cock—

There on the floor sat three boxes. One filled with classic themed ornaments of red to evergreen shades. The second was filled with at least five flavors of candy canes at most. One or two of them may have been cracked right under the crest, thankfully it didn't make a difference. The last box was filled with the oh so dreaded lights. The ones that lit up red, blue, green and yellow along with the occasional teal. What was the problem with these boxes? They did seem absolutely gorgeous. Also taking in the fact each one was equally decorated.

The problem was how Shuichi Saihara was supposed to get all these ornaments on the Christmas tree before midnight. The solution? He had a small idea.

For a graceful moment Shuichi turned his head away from the hell ridden boxes and focused on the couch holding the world class ultimate supreme leader curled up in a blanket.

"Kichi..Kichi wake up." Shuichi whispered not to alarm him and shook him by his hip lightly. In case of any pouting or crankiness Shuichi made some hot chocolate that had un-inevitably cooled down enough for him to drink without being painfully burned by the taste.

"Mmh? What?.." Shuichi smiled at the response and gave him same hot chocolate before making him sit up.

"You have to get up..and help with the Christmas tree."

"Boo..that's why you're here right?" Kokichi said still rubbing his eyes. Kokichi was pleased with his actions when Shuichi's face changed to frustrated.

"If you want some more hot chocolate you have to work for it." Shuichi told him when he felt the warm mug on his arm.

Kokichi's mood turned sour, "Which is?"

"The tree." Shuichi and Kokichi said at the same time, Kokichi already accepting his fate.

"You have me! I'll finish this bad boy in under two minutes!" Kokichi hopped up and began taking out handfuls of ornaments.

"Thanks.." Shuichi said and got up to refill the cup.

When Shuichi got back he never expected to be greeted with his boyfriend eating a green and pink patterned candy cane, lights all over his shoulders and the tree half way out the window.

"Hm? Oh hi Shumai! You're back! Can I have some of that or what?"

Shuichi just lowly shook his head and began to dial his phone in. He would have to find a very solid excuse to why there was so much noise in their apartment last night.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now