13.Teddy Bear

71 6 4

Phone: Write your daily chapter my son
Me: Yeah that's cool but
Me: What if I re-wrote a book I left for dead a year ago
Phone: ..Please charge me
Me: Haha angst trope go brrr

Ok ok I'm done I promise—



Kokichi waddled in stuffed inside a huge teddy bear he stubbornly created himself when Shuichi was off at work.

"Huh? Oh hi Ouma." Shuichi turned his attention to the walking bear for a second before working again.

"Gasp! Aren't you going to acknowledge me for my hard work?! This took me a whole ten minutes!"

"I could imagine the struggle." Shuichi responded sarcastically and sipped his tea.

"If you won't pay attention to me I'm gonna eat you up! See, I'm already drooling, your fate is being decided as we speak!" Kokichi whined, softly hitting him with his teddy bear paws and nibbling on Shuichi's arm.

"Stop that, and I assure you I don't taste very well. It would be a waste of a meal." Shuichi sighed and closed his documents knowing it'd be impossible to concentrate now.

"Yay! Shumai hugs, pick me up peasant!" Kokichi smiled and nuzzled into his chest.

"Shush or I'll drop you."


Shuichi softly dropped Kokichi on the couch and stared making some popcorn.

"Oh~ Are we gonna watch a movie? I like the crappy ones so I can shit on them without feeling like scum." Kokichi told him from the couch.

"You always do, but I know your favorite show so we're watching that instead."

"Ouma god yes, gimmie!" Kokichi jumped up and down and snatch the popcorn bag from Shuichi's hands.

"H-hey! Don't get any of that on the couch!" Shuichi quickly ran over and cupped his hand near the bit of crumbs on the cushions.

"Sorry~ This thing is so hot! But I don't wanna take it off.." Kokichi wriggled around in the teddy bear suit.

"You're still a teddy bear no matter what." Shuichi turned the TV on and logged into their Mulu account.


"Well for one your hair is as soft as their fur, you're unbearably cute and will not stop eating my take out." The detective giggled and took off Kokichi's bear suit to see him blushing.

"Your take out tastes better than mine though.." He puffed his cheeks out and played with his thumbs.

"I bet my kisses taste better."

"Sh-shut up and put on the show!"

"Got it." Shuichi smiled and put Kokichi on his lap, for the rest of the night they spent their time laughing and watching Gordon Ramsay shows.

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now