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I kid you all not, I went to sleep and dreamt about Kokichi, Miu, Gonta, Kiibo, Kaito, Shuichi and Maki doing fortnite dances in very detailed and perfectly themed onesies. Too bad I had to wake up :(

"Why did I let you convince me to bring scented candles in the bath?"

"Because they smell so nice, and just look amazing!"

After a long day of work and dealing with very annoying bills fo pay, sitting in the bath with each other—along with music is all that they need.

And...reindeer poop candles.

"You could've at least bought the panta flavored ones, you like those right?" Shuichi asked pinching his nose shut.

"Yeah I could, but you smell me everyday! I'm a panta candle!"

"Well can this panta candle get this stinky one our the bathroom?" Shuichi asked.

"but it's like one of those candles you can draw on!" To demonstrate, Kokichi huddled near the candle on the edge of the tub and drew a couple hearts on it.

"Oh.." Shuichi said breathlessly surprised.

"You look pretty impressed, does that mean we can keep it now?" Kokichi gave him puppy dog eyes.

Shuichi blinked twice and looked him in the eye, "No."

"Shuichii~" Kokichi whined and let himself fall on his chest.

"Oh please, you know it stinks too. Let's get out the bath before one pf us gets a cold." Shuichi told him and began draining the bath water.

"I'll do it if we keep the candle~"

"Half of it."

"three fourths."

"Fine." Shuichi said and sighed knowing it would never actually be gone even after they threw it away. the smell on the thing is probably in half the house.

"Yoy! Out we go!" Kokichi cheered and hopped out the bath onto the slippery floor.

"Slow down before you—"



"O-ow.." Kokichi hissed and stood up with Shuichi's help.

"Are you alright?"

"Yep! You're my knight in shining armor Saihara, always making sure I don't hit my head on the table corners." Kokichi said realizing how short he is.

"I'm also going go be person that puts you to bed tonight."

"Waah!! No, release me! Noo!!~"

31 Day OTP Christmas Writing Prompt (Oumasai)Where stories live. Discover now