Makiroll go brrrrrr-

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Pregame yummy for tummy-


Shuichi meeting Kokichi for the first time

Shuichi: Aw he's cute :3

Shuichi's cock, screeching: LIVE SHORT, DIE YOUNG


Kokichi playing animal crossing

Kokichi: *catches a Shuichi fish*





So in this one Shuichi is a delinquent and his gang is always fighting with Rantaro's gang

Tsumugi: So, have you heard about Rantaro's adopted brother transferring here?

Shuichi: Oh wow. That avocado has a brother? I bet he's just some muscula-

Tsumugi: *shows a picture of Kokichi*


Shuichi: On second thought, we shouldn't overlook the slightest threat. If any person joins his gang it's a problem.

Shuichi: I propose that we attack his turf everyday

Kaito: When did Shuichi become energetic?

Kaede: Hormones


Continuation from the minecraft server thingy

When Shuichi breaks a rule

Kokichi: Saihara-kun.... Can you meet me at the llama church?

Shuichi: Sure! Anything for you Kokichi :D

They arrive at the church

Kokichi: Alright... enough questions , peasant

Shuichi: ಠ_ಠ

Kokichi: You will answer me now scum

Shuichi: ಥ_ಥ

Kokichi: Do you think that it was necessary, you degenerate being?

Shuichi: *trembling in fear as Kokichi asserts his dominance as a bottom*

Rantaro: .... Holy shit-


Tsumugi: True or false, Shuichi has a daddy kink


Shuichi: Everyone put your fucking hands down right now


I will get a lot of hate towards me, but I hc that Shuichi's a little possessive (not to the point that it's unhealthy though-)

Shuichi: Before me and Kokichi got together, I was always jealous whenever Kokichi got a boyfriend. And Kokichi usually thought this jealously as me stating:

Shuichi: ' I was jealous of the fact that they were dating you, and I wasn't '

Shuichi: When it was actually

Shuichi: 'The very sight of you being the object of another person's romantic interest makes me want to ram his face into a fire hydrant, repeatedly'

Shuichi: As you can tell, Kokichi didn't make the connection


Symphony of Depression : I'm deciding on doing a new profile picture for this chat

Symphony of Depression:

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