2. patrick larson

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~Patrick Larson~

:duo: ~Patrick Larson~

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It had been said that everyone predicted Patrick was gay before even he figured it out. Stereotypes littered him and followed him round like a curse. Feminine, rather small, longish hair and a high pitched scream. It was these characteristics that led many to believe that he wasn't exactly your 'average' boy. At least that's what everyone said.

Patrick himself was proud of who he was, wouldn't change for the world (maybe he'd make his nose slightly smaller but that's all). Growing up surrounded by love and kindness allowed him to shadow himself away from judgement and bullies. Born in 1976, oppression levels were high. People feared coming out due to the harsh words and violent acts that those who wished to be who they were faced.

Although homosexuality was legalised in 1967 in England, a union between same sex couples could not be completed leaving LGBT members feeling isolated, scared and confused. Patrick grew up unaware of this fear and oppression. Shielded by his loving mother and his life as a homeschooler, he was nine before he understood that some people would hate him purely because of his identity.

Did this scare Patrick? Of course it did, as it would any nine year old boy who was forced to deal with the fact he would always be marked out. Did this stop him from being who he was? Of course not.
Harriet Larson always made one thing clear and that thing was to have pride in yourself, even if others are pushing you down, keep your head held high.

Patrick grew up mainly in the rural towns of England such as on the Scottish border where wildlife thrived and hills grew tall shedding snow on the top like a small cap. His mother was Greek, his aunt German meaning he got to experience the wonders of many European countries having travelled there so frequently. Greece was his second home, his house in Athens was small with white painted walls and a cobalt blue roof.

Despite spending so much time there, Patrick wasn't a fan of Greece. He often saw the negative side that people would brush over to admire the gracing landmarks and the unusually glistening sea. Poverty swept the area where they stayed, rubbish often littered the streets and Patrick was horrified many a time to see people kicking the stray cats to the end of the road. This is where Patrick's love for cats came.

Seven cats eventually graced the household of the Larson's Scottish home. Harriet was as in love with them as the small blonde boy. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto were the the names of the fury felines who scarpered over the house house bow legged with long curly tails which would stroke door frames and knock over precious ornamentals.

The astrology kittens (as Patrick called them) may be the boys favourite things in the world. He would even say he loved them more than his sisters. Amelia and Liliana were the two girls that lived within the household. The three blondes were triplets. Amelia was the oldest having arrived two minutes before Liliana who arrived four minutes before Patrick. They were all unique in their own way even more so than regular households.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now