62. acceptance of defeat

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:sexaginta duo:
~acceptance of defeat~

:sexaginta duo:~acceptance of defeat~

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Patrick felt his eyes droop as he became succumbed to the darkness around him, surely it had been hours since he'd been left alone in this disgusting place. His chin rested against his chest yet he knew there was no hope of him getting any sleep.

His mind was whirring with possibilities of what was going to happen to him, was he going to be forced to become a death eater? Was he going to die?

The only thing he'd stopped thinking about was ways to escape. For the first hour or so that he'd been tied to this chair that's all his mind had worked on. A way to free himself, to get back to his family. However as time wore on he began to realise that there was no way of him getting out in his own.

Patrick tried not to think of his family, at least they were safe. When their faces flashed through his mind the blonde could feel his heart ache, hear the voices of them telling him it was going to be ok. But how could it be?

Tony had left Patrick alone and hungry but judging by the room slowly growing lighter, Patrick guessed that it wouldn't be long before he returned.

He'd said he was planning on calling the dark Lord today, Patrick guessed he would do that using the ugly tattoo on his arm.

The boy hadn't even got to say goodbye to his friends. What about Anna, how would she find out? Presumably by Percy telling her. What about Elle? She'd already lost someone she loved to the death eaters, now Patrick was heading that way too.

The heavy garage door was pulled open casting a small portion of light over the large dim room that Patrick was sitting in. He could see the shape of his father as he walked over.

He flicked his wand and the several lanterns hanging around the place lit with glowing orange light, highlighting ever line and sneer written on Tony's face.

"Sleep well?" He asked sarcastically as he pulled the door shut behind him, he lightly pulled the gag off Patrick allowing him to speak.
"Fuck you" Patrick replied simply in a monotone voice.

"That's no way to talk to your host" Tony laughed with a bark, "I warn you not to talk that way to the dark Lord... unless you want to be dead of course"
"Death is better than joining him" Patrick spat feeling the anger rise inside of him.

"You think?" Smirked Tony, "joining him is the only good decision I've made in years"
"You're sick" Patrick replied, "he's killing innocent people... why would you do that?"
"He's changing the magical world for better... removing the scum from it"

"You mean muggle borns?" Patrick laughed, "it's funny you think you're so much better than them considering you're the worst kind of person there is"
Patrick saw Tony violently flick his wand and a moment later his cheek was bleeding.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now