14. like catching smoke

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~like catching smoke~

:quattuor:~like catching smoke~

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Patrick knew that the way he felt was completely crazy. Not only was Percy almost definitely straight, but he was also a git. A git that until quite recently Patrick had thoroughly enjoyed hating. So why all of a sudden did he freeze up every time he saw him, why now did his heart begin to race as his fingertips grew cold?

The blonde had lost concentration in lessons as he found his mind wandering to the tall redhead who he often spotted pacing the corridors in his usual pretentious way. To Percy's surprise the boy hadn't bothered him for a few months. He hadn't run into him at all and barely even registered him as he walked past. It seemed that the gingers hopes were coming true.

Anna's advice had been exactly that. Ignore him. Feelings come and go all of the time and if Patrick had no contact with him, these emotions couldn't get any worse. Anna didn't want to see her best friend get hurt in any way and from what she knew, it sounded as though Patrick and Percy definitely weren't suited for each other.

Patrick had never actually experienced emotions like these before. Prior to Hogwarts he'd been homeschooled and therefore never met any other boys his age, sure he'd had crushes on some tv characters but never a real person. He came to the conclusion that he didn't like it. It made him lose focus and sometimes he hated himself so much for the person his heart had chosen to lust over. Because who in their right minds would crush on Percy Weasley.

His abundance of thoughts and angered attitude had led him to the one place that allowed him to clear his mind. The astronomy tower. Something about the lack of people and the general silence soothed him as he lay back with his legs lightly dangling off the ledge. He wished someone could tell him how long he'd be feeling like this. Anna suspected that it shouldn't take more than a few months but then again neither of them had any actual experience with this kind of thing.

The sun would be setting soon and Patrick would be able to appreciate the gorgeous colours of the sky like he always did. He tried to concentrate his mind on that yet it continued to drift off, landing somewhere in Percy's dark brown eyes.
There was a sudden noise behind the blonde and he turned to see the trap door opening. Hoping it was just Professor Sinistra, he sat up straighter.

However the boy that entered the tower definitely was not his favourite teacher. He was rather small with olive skin and curly brown hair. His eyes were round and dark and he wore a large t shirt ands baggy jeans.
"Um... no ones usually up here" he said in confusion surprised to see Patrick sitting there on his own,
"I'm up here all the time" Patrick replied as the small boy climbed fully up onto the tower,
"Oh right" the brunette frowned "well me too"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now