46. elle lupin

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~elle lupin ~

:quadraginta sex:~elle lupin ~

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"The apparition tests are coming up" Anna noted as she propped her book against a jug of orange juice at the breakfast table,
"Don't" Patrick groaned, "all those bloody lessons and I still haven't managed to apperate into that goddamn hoop"
"I'm sure you'll do fine" Anna smiled encouragingly, "anyway you've already faced telling Percy to piss off, nothing can be harder than that"
"I wish I actually had told him to piss off, hopefully he got the message" Anna looked as though she was about to reply but as she opened her mouth she frowned at a figure walking towards the table.

Patrick looked up to see it was their Gryffindor friend Elle looking rather lost and alone without her Weasley twin counterparts.
"Elle you're at the wrong table" Anna smirked as the brunette made her way over.
"Long story but I'd much rather sit with you" she grinned before sliding into the seat opposite them.

"Finally she sees the Ravenclaw supremacy" Patrick nodded proudly while Anna just bonked him over the head with her open book. Patrick turned to scowl at her in a sarcastic manner but she was already enthralling in conversation with Elle.
"Do tell the story , Patrick won't shut up about.." she paused before looking at Patrick whose eyes had widened slightly.

Patrick knew that Anna had been about to make a joke about Patrick's concentration on Percy at every given moment but she stopped herself short before she could let it spill. She mouthed sorry to Patrick rather guiltily who just shrugged before turning back to Elle who seemed keen to continue with her own gossip.
"Ok so" she began "a few months ago one of my good friends George Weasley asked me to the Yule ball"

"Which ones he... actually it doesn't matter I can't tell the difference anyway" Patrick shrugged,
"Well anyway I said yes... he asked in a well... complicated way" Elle smirked as though reminiscing on a warm memory "but in the end it worked out because we both liked each other"

"Well that's good then" Anna prompted,
"Anyway we told everyone we were just friends at first because George wanted Fred to be the first person to know but he took ages telling him" she rolled her eyes for effect,
"Hate that" Patrick grunted thinking about how embarrassed Percy had seemed when Ginny caught them kissing.

"He told him about a month ago maybe less" Elle smiled "and everything was fine for a bit I was really happy and so was he"
"I'm sensing a but" Anna shivered,
"Yes well the other week I made a new friend... Cedric Diggory"

"Pwar he's a goodin" Patrick beamed before Anna shot him a look. The blonde girl always seemed tried about Patrick pointing out good looking men, he knew she loved it really.
"Yes" Elle laughed "anyway he helped me with my transfigurations work and I helped him with stress over the tournament, last week I came out of the library with him and he gave me a hug to thank me but then George saw"

"Ohhh" Anna sighed "he got jealous didn't he"
"Well yes in a way, he wouldn't admit it at first but then he asked me if anything was going on between me and Cedric"
"He did what?" Patrick interrupted seeming slightly outraged "does he not trust you?"
"Well that was my reaction too, anyway it all got out of hand and we argued quite a lot, now he hates me" Patrick frowned sensing that the brunette must have left out some information as the story seemed to have escalated quite rapidly however he let her continue.

"He hates you?" Anna frowned "are you sure, you always seemed such good friends and Lee said you got on like a house on fire"
"We did yes but now every time he looks at me well... if looks could kill" she sighed "and when I went into the common room before he'd put his bag in my seat and no one argued with him... so it looks like they're all on his side

"Yep that doesn't sound good" Patrick confessed,
"Patrick" Anna hissed in a condescending manner,
"What I was just being honest" he raised his hands in defence.

The Ravenclaw's tried their best as cheering Elle up or making her see a brighter side in the situation. However the only bright side they could think of was that she got to sit with them. Patrick used a few choice words to describe George which although made Elle laugh didn't lighten her spirits.


Soon the conversation changed to apparition which seemed to be a common talk for those in sixth year as the tests were slowly approaching. Elle had already proven that she was good at it, she had been one of the firsts to complete the move to the hoop in the lessons. Anna was obviously going to ace it like she did with everything however Patrick was almost positive that he wouldn't be able to do it.

"as soon as the holidays come i'm apparating my self far away from everything and never coming back" Patrick stated surely,
"you'll splinch yourself if you try to go too far" Anna shuddered "just imagine showing up at your destination missing a limb".

"personally i'm going to use it in the most stupid circumstances, like just going down the stairs" Elle smiled proudly,
"i want to go to spain" Patrick hummed "or maybe america"

"they're two very different places" Elle shrugged, "i'd go to france for sure, though anywhere out of this country would be nice"
"you've never been out this country" Patrick gawped while poring syrup over his pancakes.

"nope" Elle smirked "not too bothered though, i'd like to go to Paris... maybe i'll live there one day" she pondered,
"well you could just apperate there whenever you want"
"as long as you pass your test" Anna smiled sweetly.
"Oh she definitely will" Patrick nodded, "it'll be me who fails"

The test itself was a nightmare. Anna, Patrick and Elle had all been in the same group waiting and as the line got closer and closer to them Patrick could feel that he was freaking out.
How people managed to teleport so easily was beyond him.
Anna went first as her surname began with a J. She gave the other a smile before walking confidently off with the exam officials.

That left Patrick, Elle and another girl from Gryffindor Patrick knew to be Angelina Johnson. At some point Elle walked off to go talk with Angelina which didn't much bother Patrick as he couldn't even talk for nerves anyway.
Angelina was called off next and Patrick knew as soon as she was done it would be his turn.
"Good luck" Elle smiled as the blonde walked off wringing his hands together.


"How did it go then?" Anna asked as Patrick joined her in the waiting area. She was grinning widely showing that she had most definitely passed ,which of course was expected.
"Terrible" Patrick shuddered, "absolutely terrible"
"Oh god what happened" Anna murmured as he fell into the seat beside her.

"Well my mind was all over the place and I was so nervous and.... well I did it, I apperated"
"Well that's something" Anna beamed in her usual optimistic attitude,
"Yeah but I arrived on top of one of the ministry people" he sighed angrily,
"Oh ... that's not good"

"Well that's not even the worst part" Patrick groaned, "I worked myself up about it so much that I proceeded to throw up... all over him"
Anna just stared at him as though waiting for Patrick to crack a smile and tell her that he was joking but he didn't,
"Well then" she said blankly, "there's always next time"


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now