12. bottles and bottles

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~bottles and bottles~

:duodecim:~bottles and bottles~

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Patrick didn't feel any different upon turning fourteen. He was continuing to grow rapidly and would definitely be more than six foot by the time he stopped. He pushed the long blonde fringe out of his eyes as he stared down at the pages of work he was supposed to be completing. Anna was sat next to him, dragging her quill quickly over the parchment as she completed task after task while her friend just sat there.

"Anna I'm bored" he finally complained as he fell back into his chair in defeat,
"Well this isn't supposed to be fun" the blonde muttered without removing her eyes from the parchment she was working on. Her fingers were growing red from holding the quill so tight yet she didn't seem to care.
"I wanna do something" Patrick continued as he stared out of the closed window beside him,
"Do your transfigurations work then"

"But it's Friday night" Patrick moaned "I don't have McGonagall until Monday, what's the point"
"The point is you have other work for over the weekend"
"Annabelle and Leo said they were going to Hogsmede tomorrow" Patrick mumbled "maybe I'll go"
"All the more reason to do your transfigurations work now" smiled Anna encouragingly,
"I can't be bothered"
"Patrick I mean this in the nicest way possible" the girl began "if you're just going to sit there and complain please do it somewhere else"

"Whatever" the boy rolled his eyes before removing his legs from the footstool and slouching out of the common room.
Students were still walking around in flutters of chatter coming or going to the library of extra lessons. Patrick watched them for a moment trying to decide where to go.
As he stepped out of the common room he heard the conversation ambling from two sixth years who happened to be shorter than him.
"Yeah second floor, you tickle the pear and it lets you into the kitchens"
"Tickle the pear?"
"Yes that's what I said"

Patrick pondered the words for a moment before deciding that he'd found an idea. He'd go to the kitchens, that sounded rather exciting after all.
The blonde began to pace down from the west wing and down the revolving staircases that luckily didn't intercept his path.
Even as he descended he could her the grumbling of his stomach growing progressively louder, how he'd love to get his hands on some potatoes right about now.

The second floor was rather large but empty nonetheless. He had to awkwardly walk round for a while before coming to a hallway filled with colourful paintings crafted from oil, acrylic and watercolour.
One of these paintings was surrounded by a more impressive frame than the others. Ornate gold highlighted the soft pastels of the fruits filling a plain looking bowl.
The pear sat front and centre coloured softly green with speckles of white.

Tickle the pear
Now he was here, this didn't seem right. Maybe the two sixth years were just joking around in an attempted prank. However he was alone in this corridor so the only person he could embarrass was himself.
Without any further contemplation, the boy stretched out his hand and lightly ran his touch over the pear. It most definitely giggled, otherwise Patrick was going crazy.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now