53. saying goodbye

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:quinquaginta tria:
~saying goodbye~

:quinquaginta tria:~saying goodbye~

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Patrick had been at Hogwarts for eight years which was possibly the reason why he felt content about leaving. He loved the school almost as much as he loved his own home however having spent the majority of his life being a student here, he knew his time had come.
The blonde boy knew in his dreams that he wasn't really leaving, if all went well he could be back here in five years or so training for a teaching position. He deeply hoped that would be the case.

The last few weeks that he'd been at Hogwarts had mainly been spent talking to McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey about his problem with alcohol. At first he hadn't wanted to open up about it as he didn't see it as an issue however he'd done it for Anna. She'd convinced him that it was the right thing to do and he felt better because of it.
This wouldn't just stop after he left school, he was determined to make an effort to stop, he had to. Not only for his own sake but for the sake of his family and his friends.

News also came towards the end of school that shocked almost everyone in it. Voldemort was definitely back. Even the ministry couldn't deny it now, it had been front line of all the newspapers and Cornelius Fudge had been sacked.
Patrick wondered how Percy had taken this, he'd split all ties from his family due to his faith in the minister and the ministry itself. The blonde thought it quite humiliating for him now but he pretended not to care.

More news came claiming that the notorious criminal Sirius Black had actually been innocent all of this time but had unfortunately died protecting Harry Potter in the department of mysteries.
Patrick hadn't know him but he felt rather sympathetic towards the man, he'd died before he could be declared an innocent man. He'd suffered twelve years in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit, that must have been hard for him.

The other criminal who had escaped with Sirius Black (Theodore Sanders) had apparently rejoined the ranks of death eaters proving that Voldemort was collecting together an army which also meant some sort of war was inevitable.
Patrick had heard that the first wizarding war had been bad enough, he had no desire to see a round two happening any time soon.


Patrick observed the castle in wonder as he and Anna walked away from it.
"Incredible isn't it, how fast time flies" she smiled gently,
"I can't believe this days finally come" Patrick laughed, "I don't know whether I should feel happy or sad"
"Both" Anna smirked, "that's what I'm feeling"

They walked a little further down the path to see a few teachers preparing to say goodbye. The blonde had already talked to a lot of them however the sight of one of them made him rush over,
"Professor Sinistra!" He called towards the younger sister who immediately turned.

"You don't have to call me Professor anymore Patrick, I'm not your teacher" she smiled,
"Athena then" he laughed, "thank you for everything, you've honestly been the best teacher I've ever had".
The woman smiled brightly at these words,
"And you've been a pleasure to teach... I hope to see you back here one day"
"I hope that too"

Just as first years arrived by boats, seventh years got to leave by them. It was like a cycle of their school life. After packing their bags onto one of the carriages, the two blondes climbed into a boat with their fellow Ravenclaws Jeremy Stratton and Roger Davis.
They turned back as the small boat moved carefully over the water, Patrick felt a sinking feeling that he would never be able to find somewhere as amazing as Hogwarts.

"So what are you lot thinking of doing after this?" Asked Davies, "I'm obviously going into quidditch"
"Obviously" Patrick muttered with a sarcastic roll of his eyes, "I want to teach"
"Here?" Asked Jeremy in interest,
"Yeah" Patrick smiled warmly, "care of magical creatures"

"I can see you doing that" nodded Davies, "what about you Jones?"
"I want to be an auror" Anna beamed and Patrick turned to her in surprise,
"I thought you wanted to be a healer" he asked in confusion,
"I did but... with everything going on and with practicing spells in those DA meetings... I think I'd make a pretty good auror"

"You'd make a pretty good anything" Jeremy laughed, "I mean you come top of every class",
"What about you Jeremy?" Asked Anna,
"My dads going to get me a job in the department of mysteries... he already works there so it should be fairly straightforward".
"That sounds so interesting" Smiled Anna and Patrick agreed, he always wondered what happened down in that department.

The boat hit against the shore and Patrick took one look back to see the castle ebbing away from his vision,
"I'll be back" he muttered to himself before he followed the three Ravenclaw's out of the boat.
"I presume you're going down to Hogsmede to get the bus?" Anna sighed as she pulled her luggage out from the carriage.

"Yeah I am" he smiled as he looked regretfully at the train, "it's easier anyway"
"Well... hopefully I'll see you around" Jeremy smiled as he shook Patrick's hand,
"Yeah mate... hope you get that teaching job" Davies smiled as he did the same,
"Yeah I hope you both get to do what you want" Patrick smiled as the two boys made their way into the train.

Patrick turned back to Anna regretfully,
"I'll see you soon... really soon I promise"
"Yeah I know" Anna sniffed, "it's just... not going to be the same if I can't see you everyday"
"I know" Patrick frowned, "but we'll make it ok... it'll all work out"
"I hope so... but with all this going on... I'm worried something really bad will happen"

"Me too" Patrick admitted unable to think of any optimistic words to say, that was usually Anna's job.
The ruby red steam train let out a billow of smoke alerting Anna that it was time to get on board.
Patrick pulled his best friend into a tight hug as she waved goodbye.

"I'll see you soon" they both nodded as the doors to the train closed.
Patrick watched feeling tears rise to his eyes as she waved enthusiastically out of one of the windows.
It wasn't goodbye, but it felt like it was.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now