67. i love him because

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:sexaginta septem:
~i love him because~

:sexaginta septem:~i love him because~

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"When I first met Percy Weasley only one word came to mind... pretentious, I bumped into him while walking down the corridor and I believe I said that I was glad he wasn't in Ravenclaw so I didn't have to put up with him... ironic isn't it?"

"That was my opinion regarding Percy for a while, I thought he was putting on an act... sucking up to the teachers so he could get good grades... turns out he was putting on an act but not one regarding how pompous his is"

"I realised I was in love with him when he first kissed me, it was like clarity... All the confusion I'd been feeling just slipped away and I thought to myself well this feels right"

"It took him a little while to figure it out, I don't blame him... I may be charming but I'm not Gilderoy Lockhart"

"Often people make jokes... they say why Percy or get out while you can and they laugh and it's funny... they don't mean any harm by it and Percy never took any, mainly because that's what he was thinking himself".

"Truth is that Percy may have looked like he thought the world revolved around him but he knew it didn't... he often thought very low of himself and he made many mistakes because of it"

"But I want to tell you all why I loved Percy so much... and I hope he's listening out there somewhere because he tends to forget how special he is... so here goes"

"I love when he was sarcastic... it's his form of humour and when he jokes his face lights up with pride because he doesn't think he's funny... when I laughed and his eyes sparkled... that moment was so special to him even though it's something people experience all the time"

"I love when he's trying to do the muggle crossword... I'm not sure why he finds it so exciting but he does, he furrows his brow and balances his pen on his chin... I love when he gets an answer because he smiles to himself, he thinks no ones watching"

"I love how he pays attention to every little detail... we could go out for walks and he'll spot a small acorn or a leaf that looks different to the rest and he'll stop and pick it up as though he found ten galleons lying on the floor"

"I love how the freckles on his face looked like constellations... I told him that a lot... I told him if autumn was a person they'd be Percy... because of his red hair and brown eyes"

"I loved that he kept all the jumpers his mother ever knitted for him... he had them all and he loved every last one because they proved someone loved him enough to make something for him"

"I loved that he said his favourite animal was a beaver... yes a beaver... he told me in fascination about how they always washed their food before they ate it, we do that all the time but for some reason it's more exciting when a beaver does it"

"I love when he's trying to be comforting, he's not very good at it but he'll try... he doesn't think he can make people laugh and he never believed he could make someone smile which just makes it all the more better when he does"

"I love that he had everything planned out ... I don't think I've ever planned anything in my life, sometimes his plans got in the way because he always wanted to stick to them"

"But I loved when he changed his plans for me ... when he realised who he was and he wasn't ashamed by that, I thought that day would never come but it did... and he made a new plan"

"He always had this ambition to be perfect... to be the best but it was all appearances, in reality he never believed he was the best"

"I remember how proud he was about getting prefect because it meant his plans were going the right way... because it proved that he was perfect"

"I guess at the end of the day he was a not so perfect prefect"

"But he was perfect to me"


Anna held onto Patrick's hand tightly as they stood outside in the light spitting rain. It had been a small funeral, the crowd was mainly made up of red heads who stood out against the sea of black clothing.

Percy Weasley

Perfect to all who loved him

They were the words carved into the black stone of the grave. None of this seemed real. Patrick had thought that seeing the grave and reading the speech would have brought him back to reality however he was still hiding under a delusion.

The coffin was slowly lowered into the hole and Patrick could quite believe that Percy was in there, surely this was a funeral for someone else, he would go home and find his boyfriend sitting at the kitchen table doing a crossword.

Molly stepped forward first, picking up a small handful of soil and dropping it into the grave as she spoke a few words. Next went Arthur, then Bill, then Charlie, then Fred, then George, then Ron, then Ginny.

Although the Weasleys had a lot of children, in this moment Patrick wished there had been more. He didn't want it to be his turn to drop the soil.

The blonde stepped forward, encouraged by Anna who attempted to smile at him. Patrick placed his grasp into the soil and lifted some over the grave. It fell limply over the front, the gold embellished tag reading Percy Weasley could still be seen.

"I love you" Patrick whispered, "I love you... you pretentious git" he added knowing it would have made Percy laugh.

He stepped backwards allowing Penelope Clearwater to drop her own handful in before retreating back to her husband. Penelope had been the last one. Now more and more soil was being thrown over the grave.

"I didn't get to say goodbye" Patrick muttered softly, Anna just squeezed his hand. He hadn't said anything to the blonde since it had happened. He had been surprised that his voice had worked during the speech.

Now people were leaving, going back home. Few of them would go back to normal rather quickly. To some here the death was irrelevant, they were here for someone else.

To some the pain would stop or subside. Patrick wished that could be him. He'd done it once with Liliana but now ... he didn't think he could get over this.

Yet again an idea had planted itself in his mind.

He hadn't got to say goodbye


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now