33. the chamber of secrets

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:triginta tres:
~the chamber of secrets~

:triginta tres:~the chamber of secrets~

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"How did you find out that the chamber of secrets was in a bathroom... I mean all the teachers searched the school... the other three founders searched it and two twelve year olds figured it out"
"Well they couldn't speak parsletongue could they?" Ron smirked proudly. Patrick frowned and turned to Harry who was hissing weirdly at one of the silver taps. The blonde realised that it was attached to the same sink where Percy had been leant over the night that they kissed.

The sinks began to move outwards, walls jolted forward and one lowered itself down into a formed pit. It was dark and shadowed meaning none of the four could see how deep it was.
"This is it" Harry muttered "the chamber of secrets"
"If you die down there Harry, you're welcome to share my toilet" a high pitched voice spike out. Patrick turned to see a silvery form of a ghost.

"Moaning Myrtle" Ron explained "she's the student who died the first time the chamber opened"
"Is she always in this bathroom?" Patrick asked,
"I travel" Myrtle mused "but I know all about you and your secret boyfriend" she winked,
"Right" Patrick gulped "time to get going I think"

Myrtle giggled before she soared off and splashed into a toilet,
"You can go first professor"
"Oh no I don't think" Lockhart began to mutter hurriedly,
"Our lives are worth more than yours... don't you think" Ron smirked.
"Well yes I guess that's true" the teacher stuttered as he looked down into the darkened pit, "on second thoughts I think that-"

Before he had a chance to finish his sentence Ron and Harry both pushed the back of his silken blue robes and sent him toppling into the abyss. His yells echoed off the sides of the tunnel until they heard a thump and a murmur,
"I'm alright" he called back up "it's like a slide"
Ron and Harry both nodded at each other before Ron slid off the end, his yells too echoed of the sides shortly followed by Harry's.

Patrick pondered whether any of this was a good idea, he didn't much like the idea of getting himself killed. However then his mind went to Percy and his small sister alone down there possibly dying. Out of the accumulated group he felt as though he was the most competent. He had heard that Harry was brave but ... he could use some help that didn't involve a pathetic teacher and a broken wand.

The blonde took a deep breath before he stepped off the side of the bathroom floor. He felt the wind rush past his ears as he plummeted down. At some point his back collided with a wall and he began to slide further and further down until he was sure he was very far underground.
The air around him stunk and as the boy stood up he could feel something breaking under his foot. He looked down to see small skeletons of what looked like mice.

"This is disgusting" Ron moaned as he too observed the filth they were standing on,
"Hurry" Harry muttered as he began to pace into a tunnel to the left of them,
"What's that?" Ron gasped, pointing to what looked like a giant snake lying on the ground.
"Snake skin" Harry muttered as he stared at it.
"Lumos" Patrick whispered, letting the light of his wind etch over the glistening skin before them "did you two say you knew what the monster was?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now