27. dates and do overs

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: viginti septem:
~dates and do overs~

: viginti septem: ~dates and do overs~

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Patrick was sat in the three broomsticks rather creepily staring at a couple sitting in the corner of the room. He had greatly anticipated his fourth year as for Anna it meant that she could come to Hogsmede with him. After falling out with Leo and Annabelle (his only real friends in his year) it had been a relief that he wouldn't have to spend the trips alone or even worse, not go at all.

However now he sat alone anyway staring at Anna and Lee Jordan as they laughed over their butter beer. He didn't really have anything against Lee except for the fact that the obnoxious pranks that the twins pulled on students didn't amuse him in the slightest. Despite this, Lee wasn't the twins. He may be friends with them but from what the blonde had heard from Anna, Lee was a nice guy.

All of a sudden a figure obscured his view of the laughing couple sat in the corner. He raised his eyebrows in surprise to see Eleanor Lupin smiling down at him. Elle had only joined the school this year, she was in third year like Anna but was a Gryffindor.

Patrick had met the girl on the train ride home at Christmas and took a liking to her due to her sarcastic nature and how amusing she found the blonde friends. She had waist length curly dark hair and narrow eyes that were currently sparkling in curiosity.

"Oh hey Elle" he smiled carelessly before returning his gaze to the couple in the corner,

"What's going on with Lee and Anna" Elle murmured,

"They're on a date" Patrick replied "I'm just making sure he doesn't do anything stupid"

"Like what?" She frowned as she turned her attention to the couple yet again. It seemed Lee had just told an amusing joke as Anna let out her usual dainty laugh.

"Like treat her badly... Anna deserves the best and only the best" Patrick had grown to be extremely protective over Anna, seeing her as a third sister. As he watched Lee grinning at her, he scowled as though the boy was doing something horrific.

"That's really sweet Patrick but Lee's nice trust me"

"He's friends with the twins how nice can he be" Patrick shrugged without truly thinking of what he said. As usual the boy hadn't meant anything by his words. He didn't dislike the twins nor did he dislike who they hung out with, the blonde was just agitated by the whole scenario.

He wanted to live up to Anna's incredible relationship advice though it seemed she was doing rather well without him.

"So am I... what's wrong with that?" Elle murmured uncertainly, Patrick turned back to her in surprise. He had completely forgotten that ever since the brunette had come to the school she'd spent the majority of her time around the joking red heads.

"Nothing against them" he replied quickly "they just always seem so set on pranking people and joking around... I mean you can't actually see them ever being in a relationship can you?" Patrick laughed as he tried to cover his slip up.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now