35. depression

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:triginta quinque:

Tw - mentions of depression, self harm etc ✰✰✰

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Tw - mentions of depression, self harm etc

Patrick rested his head against the window as the night bus pulled up next to his house. Since the blonde already lived in Scotland, it often seemed odd for him to get the train all the way to London only to have to come all the way back up. Therefore Patrick had started getting home via a large triple-decker purple bus.

The end of the school year hadn't been as dramatic as his experiences in the chamber of secrets, all of the petrified students had been restored using mandrakes. Exams had been cancelled for many expect of course the important ones which were due to take place in the last week and the first week of summer.

However Patrick had decided (and it had taken him a very long time to do so) that the stress accumulated in his mind and the lack of care he'd payed towards his studies meant that there was no way he would be able to scrape even P's in any of his OWL's.

During his careers talk with professor Flitwick, the student and teacher had agreed that it was in the boys best interest to move down a year. In many ways he was reluctant as not only would he no longer have lessons with Leo but he would also have to stay at Hogwarts for eight years rather than seven.

However on the other hand he was now in the same year as Anna who had been his rock throughout the four years she'd been at this school. Although she told him that just because he was in her year didn't mean she would do his homework for him, Patrick was sure that she would at least give him help possibly meaning that he would be able to pass his exams when the time finally came.

Therefore despite the terrible happenings at the school this year, Patrick felt a lot less stressed as he hopped off the bus and approached the small cottage that he knew as home.
Harriet was already waiting by the front door as Patrick ran into her arms. Mars and Mercury meowed up at him as he bent down to scratch the top of their heads.

"I've missed you" he smiled,
"Are you talking to me or the cats?" His mother laughed as she helped him bring his trunk inside,
"Both of course"
Amelia was standing happily in the kitchen and squealed in delight to see her brother return. She threw her arms around his shoulders as he swung her around.

"Where's Lili?" Patrick grinned as he picked Jupiter up into his arms,
"In her room probably" Amelia shrugged,
"Liliana hasn't been herself recently" Harriet smiled sadly "I think she's having a hard time at school... she'll be glad to have you back though"

Patrick nodded as he traipsed up the stairs to go find his other sister. As soon as he opened her door the boy could smell the smoke radiating off every fabric surface.
Lilliana herself was slumped in her bed. Her floor was completely messed up with barely a space to step on and there was a lit cigarette between her lips.
However that wasn't the first thing that Patrick noticed, instead he saw that her long dirty blonde hair had been cut off.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now