16. bruised and bloody

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~bruised and bloody~

(possible tw: use of slurs and images of violence)

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(possible tw: use of slurs and images of violence)


"You did what?"
Anna promptly dropped her toast back onto her plate as she stared up at her friend through surprised eyes,
"We kissed" Patrick repeated, "me and Sean kissed"
"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Continued the blonde "is he even gay?"
"Well of course he's bloody gay Anna do I look like a girl to you?"
"Well of you grew your hair out a little more-"
"He kissed me first" Patrick interrupted "so he obviously wanted to, I didn't force myself on him if that's what you're thinking"
"That wasn't what I was thinking" Anna sighed "it's just... a minute ago you wouldn't stop talking about Percy and all of a sudden your coming here and admitting you kissed Sean"

Patrick tried to push the fact he'd imagined kissing Percy last night to the back of his mind. It made him feel weird and guilty yet the kiss had felt somewhat better when imagining it was the ginger boy sitting in front of him.
"Percy's irrelevant" Patrick shrugged "I don't like him, frankly he annoys me"
"Yeah of course he does" scoffs Anna "you change your mind about this every day"
"I'm just confused" he sighed as he poured syrup over the stack of waffles he'd collected "being gays hard enough without everyone around me making it more difficult"
"Stop being self centred" Anna frowned "think about how Sean's feeling right about now"
"How's Sean feeling?" Asked Anna in confusion,
"Well probably confused that he kissed you because he isn't openly gay, guilty that it happened because everyone says it's so wrong, scared that Henry's going to find out because they're best friends and Henry is almost definitely homophobic and also probably intrigued to how it made him feel"

"How do you know all of these things" huffed Patrick,
"Because unlike you I take other people's feelings into account" the girl smiled sweetly,
"You're making me sound like a sadistic self centred prick" the blonde boy frowned "I can't concentrate on anyone else's emotions when my minds already blocked with my own",
"Just because you have the emotional range of a potato doesn't mean anyone else has" joked Anna,
"Hey I feel things" Patrick laughed "like right now I'm feeling hungry"
Anna just rolled her eyes as Patrick took a large mouthful of waffles.


Saturday was a day of relief for the blonde who had decided yesterday that he would take a day off rather than starting any of the homework he'd been set from countless subjects. Doing absolutely nothing seemed a lot more appealing anyway.
He and Anna continued to walk back towards their common room quietly, the halls were filling up as students went out onto the grounds or went to find empty classrooms to study.

The two blondes entered the common room and were greeted by the usual fresh aroma. Students sat around working, reading and laughing. Leo and Annabelle were already by the window. Annabelle had taken to coming up to this dorm a lot as she preferred the company of the Ravenclaws when working.
Anna and Patrick went to make their way over when a voice called out from behind him.
"There he is!" He cold harsh voice yelled out "the faggot"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now