52. drops of luck

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:quinquaginta duo:
~drops of luck~

:quinquaginta duo:~drops of luck~

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Patrick's head was messed up again, this was a recurring theme that the boy just couldn't seem to shake. He tried so hard to convince himself that he was over Percy, that he deserved better and that he wanted better however every time he saw the subtle brown eyes and curly red hair his mind seemed to revert back to his previous feelings.
He still loved Percy and there was nothing he could do about that.

Life after the DA disembarked was the worst time at Hogwarts that anyone had ever experienced. Everyone who had been apart of the meeting had to sit for two hours every night in the great hall for two weeks writing lines with blood quills which by the way, really fucking hurt.
They'd all been told to write the same boring statement over and over again however since there was so many of them Patrick had gotten away with being able to write 'Fuck Umbitch' without her noticing.

A small bit of excitement came in the form of the Weasley twins rebel against the frog like teacher. They initially set fireworks around the school, exploding everywhere the first day that Umbridge had been head mistress. She'd spent her whole first day running around covered in soot trying to stop them. Needless to say there was a party in celebration of the Weasley twins that might.

The other thing that they did got them kicked out. They used a portable swamp to ruin a corridor and make it impossible to cross. Umbridge had never been so angry as when she stood in the entrance hall yelling at them however it seemed that the fiery headed twins expected this. In fact it seemed as though they'd been planning on leaving for a while.
Before they left they informed everyone that they'd bought premises in Diagon Alley which would soon be open for business. Patrick couldn't help but feel impressed as they rode out on brooms into the sunset.

The end of seventh year (or eighth in Patrick's case) brought about exams which meant an abundance of stress and studying. If Patrick thought Anna had been bad around her OWL's, it was nothing in comparison to this. He barely saw the girl considering she was almost always hidden behind a book or delved deep into the library.
Patrick never found it easy to study however it seemed this year was even worse. He hated himself for it but anytime he tried to concentrate on school work the image of Percy would pop into his head.

Patrick was sick of it, it was as though Percy had become a curse following him around. The boy was beginning to think that he may never be able to get his stupid face out of his head again.
The words seemed to blur into one as he stared down at the pages before him, his writing was shaky and he wasn't taking any of the information in. At first he considered just giving up and doing it the next day or the next. However time wore and and before he knew it, exams were almost on their doorstep.

The temptations began to come to him one night where his head was rested against the window. His head hurt from trying to read the same astronomy notes over and over again but it seemed as though his brain was already soaked full of images of his past, of Percy and Liliana.
His eyes drooped but he knew that he must stay awake, he only had two more weeks and at this rate it seemed as though he wasn't going to pass.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now