66. freckles like constellations

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:sexaginta sex:
~freckles like constellations~

:sexaginta sex:~freckles like constellations~

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"Will you watch where you're going!" A harsh voice snapped, Patrick looked up to see a Gryffindor boy. He recognised him from the sorting ceremony through he didn't have a name for the face.

Seeing him close up, Patrick noticed the abundance of freckles like stars on his pale skin. He too had a prominent nose and curls of red neatly styled.
"Sorry" Patrick mumbled as he stared at the mess of books strewn all over the corridor,
"If you weren't so careless this wouldn't have happened" the boy continued as he whipped out his wand and allowed the books to fly back into his grasp.
"I said I'm sorry" smirked Patrick "can't really do anything else"

"You can stop running down the corridors like a pair of gorillas"
"We weren't running" defended Leo, "no need to be so uptight"
"I am NOT uptight" yelled the ginger boy. Patrick raised his eyebrows before laughing to Leo at the shared expression of judgment.
The boy huffed loudly before striding off with his nose in the air.

"What a pompous git" laughed Patrick as they continued to walk down the corridor,
"Yeah thank merlin he's in Gryffindor"
"Thank god he's not in our year" added Patrick "imagine having to put up with him... think I'd rather die"


Percy had just happened to be coming the other way when he got rampaged by the darting blonde.
"SORRY DIDN'T SEE YOU" the boy called back to Percy now sitting on the floor as he continued to race down the corridor,
"THEN OPEN YOUR EYES" Percy yelled in annoyance only to be met by a group of second year girls who seemed to think he was yelling at thin air.


"say Percy, have you always been this pretentious?"
"I'm warning you" Percy said through gritted teeth,
"You're not prefect yet" laughed Patrick "what you gonna do?"
"Shut up" snapped the boy"
"Make me" replied Patrick casually. Percy seemed to have no response to this. Patrick continued to stare at the clock watching the seconds drag by and was pleased at how easily he'd wound up the boy.


"God?" Muttered Patrick seeing the dark figure accentuated by glowing light of one of the candle lit lanterns behind him.
"Close enough" mocked the boy as he finally came into focus,
"Oh it's you" Patrick sighed before falling dramatically back onto the stairs with a thump.
"Shhh" Percy hushed him "do you want to get caught?"

Patrick didn't say anything as he closed his eyes wondering if he could fall asleep lying on stairs,
"Are you... drunk?" Asked Percy in astonishment,
"I don't know, are you drunk?" Patrick retorted. Percy gasped at the boy in surprise shocked to see his lying there completely bladdered.
"Do you want to get kicked out of school... why on earth did you think this was a good idea?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now