11. sickly sweet classrooms

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~sickly sweet classrooms~

:undecim:~sickly sweet classrooms~

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Divination and care of magical creatures were the two new subjects that Patrick had decided to take. The reasoning was that he liked animals and was rather intrigued by 'seeing into the future'. Allegedly those who enjoyed astronomy usually took divination as some of the subject involved analysing the stars. Therefore Patrick's choices were made. Leo had also decided on divination but had gone along with Annabelle when she had decided to take ancient runes. Personally Patrick thought ancient runes sounded like a terrible subject but that was just his opinion.

Leo leaving him for Annabelle had left him standing outside in the cold near Hagrid's hut on his own. There were other students taking the subject however he knew none of them and was not in the mood to try and make friends. The care of magical creatures teacher was Professor Kettleburn who was missing and arm and a leg which had been replaced by metal replicas that shone weirdly in the September sun. It was evident from the get go that he much preferred the creatures over any of the students (not that Patrick blamed him).

Apparently Kettleburn always started with the same lesson which included sketching out a bowtruckle. Bowtruckles were small stick like figures with nasty long fingers that could easily slash open skin. Patrick wasn't as artistically talented as Anna yet he gave the drawing a good go as he rested his back against a large tree lining the forbidden forest. Other students laughed happily and joked about the small stick creatures hobbling around. Patrick's bowturckle seemed to like him as it sat quite patiently while he sketched it out. Other people didn't have the same simplicity, one girl was left with three gashes in her hand from provoking the stick man.

As Patrick packed up his things he noticed the next class coming down from the castle. Most of them were huddled together in small groups wrapped in their house coloured scarves. Kettleburn carefully collected the bowtruckles before stomping off to bring forth his next magical creature. Patrick didn't have time to hang around and see it however, as he was due in a herbology lesson any second. As he gathered up his bag and began walking up behind his peers he saw one boy walking completely on his own with a bright red and yellow scarf wrapped protectively round his neck.

Percy Weasley was in low spirits as he trudged down to care of magical creatures. It wasn't really his favourite lesson however he'd decided to take three extra subjects rather than two (catching up on ancient runes when lesson hours were complete). Percy didn't see Patrick coming but the blonde definitely saw him. A smirk passed his lips as he formed his plan.
"Ouch" scowled Percy as a figure collided with him,
"You'd think by now you would have learned to move" winked Patrick before he swung off not giving the ginger a chance to retaliate.
Percy stared after him in annoyance as the boy practically skipped with glee over to the greenhouses.


Later that day, Patrick had regained company as he, Annabelle and Leo began the long and tiresome climb up to the divination classroom. It took place in one of the highest parts of the castle and students had to climb a long spiralling staircase to get there.
"Is that it?" Asked Annabelle as she stared at a ladder leading to a trap door. The ladder seemed rather dusty leading the blonde to believe that it wasn't much used. However as they clambered up it they discovered it was in fact the right room.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now