48. truth prevails

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:quadraginta octo:
~truth prevails~

:quadraginta octo: ~truth prevails~

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Patrick's summer so far had been rather boring, he'd spent a lot of it with his sister who seemed to be diverting all of her time into studying for A-levels (which were basically the muggle version of NEWT's). Other than that he'd received a few letters from Louis and had responded to them using the French boys impressive golden hawk that all seven of Patrick's cats seemed to hate.

The house felt empty as usual but Patrick would never mention that, even bringing up Liliana's name would cause Harriet to burst into tears which wasn't something either Patrick or Amelia would recommend risking.
One good thing about this summer was that towards the end of the year Patrick had re-sat his apperarion test and passed with flying colours. He wasn't quite sure how he had done it but he wasn't about to complain.

Since then the boy had been happily (and rather lazily) transporting himself round the house without even having to walk. However after a few days he decided that this wasn't the wisest ideas as his legs has ceased to move.
Patrick still enjoyed randomly appearing into his sisters room to scare the shit out of her, it had been rather successful if he did say so himself.

However something particularly odd happened towards the final weeks of the summer holiday. As Patrick was rereading one of his favourite books (catcher in the rye) there was a light tap on his window. At first he pondered how Louis had replied to him so soon considering it had only been a couple days since Patrick sent off his last letter.
Patrick looked up to see an impressive dark coloured owl holding a letter between his beak. The blonde boy didn't recognise the owl but he knew it wasn't from Louis or Anna for that matter.

He opened the letter after letting the owl in and saw to his dismay that it was from Percy.
Since their last encounter Patrick had been sure that he'd seen the last of the Weasley boy and any connection that they may have had however as he stared down at the writing his heart began to speed up just as it usually did.

I know you hate me, god knows you deserve to hate me but I need to talk to you. Please. I wouldn't ask but I can't stand it anymore, everything's falling apart and I just need to see you again.
Meet me on that hill in Hogsmede at seven on the twenty first of August. I'll wait for an hour and if you don't come, I'll understand and I'll never bother you again I promise.
Please Patrick, just one last time.

Patrick stared down at the letter as his hands trembled. His immediate thought was to feel concern for his former friend, based on the almost begging tone of the letter it sounded as though Percy was really in a bad place however on the other hand Patrick didn't want to see him again.
After everything that happened, after everything that Percy put him through... Patrick was under the impression that he would never have to lay eyes on him again.

His gaze drifted to the calendar that was propped against his wall and his heart sped up even more as he noticed it was the twenty first. He had an hour to make up his mind.
He ran a hand shakily through his hair as he pondered what to do. One last time. That's how Percy had phrased it then again the boy had also said that if Patrick didn't show up, he would never bother him again.

Really the question was whether Patrick wanted to see him again, whether he wanted to set things straight but as he watched the minutes on the clock tick by he wasn't sure that he wanted to.
Eventually seven came around and Patrick was still as confused as ever. In his mind he had decided that he wasn't going to go but in his heart he thought something else entirely.

He'll wait for one hour. The boy repeated that in his head over and over again. He still had time to change his mind but did he want to?
Did Patrick really never want to see him again?
The blonde was also intrigued towards the situation, it sounded as though something bad had happened... what if he was in trouble, what if Patrick could help.

The clock read five to eight as Patrick jumped off his bed with the choice planted into his mind. He was going to go.
Patrick focused on the image of Hogsmede hill as he turned on the spot and descended into darkness.
He felt the wind whipping his hair immediately as he opened his eyes to see that he was on the peak, for a moment he thought he was too late as he could see no one around however as he looked around he finally saw him.

"PERCY" Patrick yelled to the figure walking the other way, the lost man who looked as though he had given up hope. He turned around to see Patrick standing there, his blue eyes searching for a sign, for the reason he was here.
Percy strode over and almost collapsed into the blondes arms.
"Thank you" he muttered as he held onto him, "I didn't think you'd come... thank you"

"It's ok" Patrick replied as Percy stared at him, "why did you want me to come?"
"I've messed everything up" Percy sighed, "I um... had this huge row with my parents"
"About what?"
"Well... the ministry are saying that you know who isn't really back and that Potter made it up and I told them they should listen to the ministry and well... it ended up really badly I told them I didn't want to be part of their family anymore... I called them blood traitors"

Patrick's jaw fell lightly as he took in the words, he knew Percy looked up to the ministry but he'd never imagined that he'd throw away his family for it,
"Do you actually think he's not back?"
"Of course he's not back... he's gone, years ago"

"But Harry saw him" frowned the blonde, "he fought him"
"One word against the whole ministry Patrick don't you see what that looks like"
"I see it as the only person who was there must know what happened.... how else did Cedric die?"
"I'm ... well I don't know that but I don't think it's a good idea to go against the ministry especially when my father works there"

"Where are you going to go now?" Patrick asked tentatively,
"I've bought a flat in London" Percy admitted, "I'm still working for them Patrick"
"Why ... why did you want to see me, did you expect me to agree with you?"
"No I guess I didn't and honestly I'm glad you don't" Percy sighed, "you were always a better person than me Pat, that much is obvious"

"You can still turn this around" Patrick smiled encouragingly as he channeled his inner Anna, "if you apologise to your family... leave the ministry"
"The ministry is my dream Patrick... I'm working alongside the minister do you know who important that is for me?"
"The minister" Patrick scoffed.

"My dad told me I only got the job because they want me to spy on them" Percy laughed as though the prospect of this was hilarious, "he didn't think that I could ever get a job this good off my own skills"
"I'm sure he didn't mean it like that"
"Oh he did" Percy snapped, "after years of showing my parents everything, getting top grades being head boy and they still don't think I'm worthy of this position"

"Percy... they're probably just worried about you"
"But I'm doing the best" Percy replied, "I'm going the furthest"
"You're leaving them Percy, don't you see they're just trying to prevent that"
"They should be happy for me" Percy strained and Patrick could see that his stature broke as he almost pleaded with himself, "why aren't they happy for me?"

"Because you're ignoring the truth Percy" Patrick sighed, "you're refusing to accept that nothing in the wizarding world is ok anymore... you're going on as though nothings happened"
"Can you blame me?" Percy laughed, "what would I be without this job?"
"You'd be the Percy that I loved" Patrick yelled throwing caution to the wind as Percy's face grew shocked.

"I..." Percy began, "I can't be that Percy anymore... I ... this job is everything to me"
"Then you've made your choice" Patrick shrugged, "but I can't be apart of it"
"Patrick" Percy began as the blonde began to back away, "Patrick wait I need to tell you something".
Before Percy could say a word the blonde boy turned on the spot and disappeared into the air.

"I loved you too"


I'm really flying with these updates today

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now