36. the thing you fear the most

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:triginta sex:
~the thing you fear the most~

:triginta sex:~the thing you fear the most~

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"Patrick!" A yell came from the garden as Patrick turned his head to stare out of the kitchen window "Patrick come look at this!"
The young blonde turned and darted out out the kitchen into the fresh spring air,
"What is is, what is it?" He called in excitement.
Liliana was standing by the garden wall with her hands cupped, within her palms sat a elegant blue butterfly.
"Isn't it amazing" beamed Lili,
"It's beautiful" Patrick nodded, "I think it likes you"
Liliana let the butterfly dance over her fingers "there's so much life out there Patrick... isn't it strange... we only see a small portion of the world ... we're stuck but this ... this butterfly could see it all"

"Lili was a firecracker... I always used that analogy to describe her because she was always doing something chaotic, ruining around yelling or smoking behind the tree in the garden so mum wouldn't see.... but she was also sweet and kind, more to the animals than us. She admired every creature, many people would squash a spider if they saw one but Lili could never. She valued their differences, found beauty in things that aren't all that special. Liliana was so incredible and I can't comprehend that we're never going to see her grow ... in many ways she felt like a caterpillar. I know that's a strange comparison to make. But Lili felt trapped in her own life, her own skin and her own mind... I hope now she's able to see the world like she always wanted to do... I hope now she's transformed into the butterfly she was always meant to be"


"I'm so sorry Patrick" Anna rested her head on his shoulder as the great feast began, "are you sure you're ok to come back to lessons... if you talked to Flitwick-"
"It's ok Anna... I need a distraction I suggested staying home with mum and Amelia but they told me that I should come back, I love it here after all"
"Lili would want you to I'm sure"

"I had to do a speech at the funeral... probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do... everyone told me she would have loved it... I just never expected-" Patrick cut off as he felt the tears prick in his eyes, "anyway... how was the train journey up?"
"Well" Anna smiled sadly "quite dramatic actually... the dementors boarded the train looking for those two escaped prisoners?"

"Escaped prisoners?" The blonde boy frowned "escaped from where?"
"I thought no one escaped from Azkaban?" Patrick pondered,
"Well no one had until now... Sirius Black and Theodore Sanders escaped the other day"

"Who are they?"
"Well Black is a mass murderer... killed a bunch of muggles, worked for he who must not be named and was arrested about twelve years ago"
"And Sanders?"
"Tortured muggles... worked with the death eaters after the fall of he who must not be named... arrested about three years ago I think... the daughter of the muggles he tortured is over there" Anna continued.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now