49. umbitch

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:quadraginta novem:

:quadraginta novem: ~umbitch~

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"That Umbridge woman is a right bitch I can already tell" Patrick scoffed as he and Anna walked up to the Ravenclaw common room,
"Umbitch" Anna grinned and Patrick let out a laugh at the accuracy, "you still have to tell me what happened between you and Percy"
"Water" Patrick told the Ravenclaw knocker in answer to its riddle, "yes I know come on I'll tell you now",

They settled inti their comfy seats by the window and Anna propped up her chin expectantly waiting for the story,
"Well I met up with him" Patrick began, "basically he told me he had this huge row with his family because he believes what the ministry are saying about you know who"
"He thinks Harry's lying?" Anna frowned,
"Yeah ... and then his father said he only got his job (because he's working beside the minister) so he could give information about the Weasleys... since they're close with Harry"

"Ah I'm guessing he didn't like that"
"No he called them a bunch of blood traitors and then moved to London"
"He called them... wow I know he's a git but I didn't think"
"No me neither"
"Why did he want to meet up with you then?"

"I think he thought I might agree with him or at least console him, he thought I might see things from his point of view"
"And do you?"
"No of course I don't" Patrick laughed, "I believe Harry and I think the majority of the ministry are a bunch of shit heads"
"So what else happened?"

"I told him I loved him"
"You did what?" Anna gasped, "why on earth would you do that"
"I told him he could still turn things around and be... the Percy I loved"
"And what did he say?"

"Basically that his job meant everything... then he told me he had something to tell me but I left before he could"
"What do you think he wanted to say?"
"Probably just apologise again but I've heard enough of that to last me a lifetime... I think now we're finally through" he smiled gratefully, "I think I'm finally done with him"

"You're over him?" Grinned Anna,
"Yeah... yeah I'm pretty sure that I am"


Anna and Patrick rather resentfully made their way down to the defence against the dark arts classroom first to face off against the new teacher Delores Umbridge. Patrick had thought that Moody and Lockhart were bad but as he smelt the aroma of sickly perfume and heard her disgusting girlish laugh he knew he hadn't faced anything yet.

"Hem hem"
All heads turned to the back of the room where Umbridge had appeared from. She walked like a dumpling to the front of the room in a frilly pink dress and matching cardigan. Anna's name 'Umbitch' seemed more accurate than ever.
"This year you'll be taking your N.E.W.T exams, also known as nastily exhausting wizarding tests. They are considered the most difficult examinations by the ministry so I ensure you that these lessons will not be easy"

Her voice was sickly sweet and infuriating.
"Now if you could open your text books-"
Patrick rolled his eyes before opening the rather hefty text book that he had lying on his desk. As he flipped through the pages he immediately noticed that all of the work within it was comprehension based, no where did it include anything about practical work.
"Professor, there's nothing in these books about practical work" Elle Lupin butted in, some heads turned to her. She wasn't usually one to speak out. Patrick smirked at the confidence of the brunette. She'd voiced his thoughts exactly.

"Practical work?" Asked Umbridge with a smile everyone could tell was fake.
"Using spells" Elle continued as she gazed rather intimidatingly at the Professor.
"Well I don't see why you would need to use spells"
"Well I don't know" Elle frowned sarcastically "maybe because there's a practical element to our exam" the fake smile remained as Umbridge observed her testingly,
"When we expand our knowledge and learn about the use of spells, practical work will come easier in the exam"
"Well that's bullshit" Elle stated and there was an air of admiration in the silence of the students.

Everyone went quiet. The fake smile on Umbridge's face had now disappeared and everyone including Patrick and Anna were staring at Elle half impressed half confused.
"What is your name?" Her voice was colder now,
"Eleanor Lupin"
"Well miss Lupin, I am going to make this very clear when I say in this class you may not speak up without permission, you may not question my teaching methods because if you do you are questioning the methods of the ministry"
"You're throwing us into the hardest wizarding exams without any preparation for the practical exams, if that's the ministry's methods then yes I'm most definitely questioning it"

Umbridge looked as though she was about to explode any second now, her frog like face was growing redder by the minute as her pudgy hands gripped on the textbook she was holding. Then all of a sudden her smile returned,
"Lupin" she spoke out "you wouldn't happen to be related to the halfbreed... Remus Lupin" Elle froze. Did she just say half breed? Patrick looked in shock at Anna who was mirroring his expression exactly, both blondes turned back to the teacher in rage.
"He's not a 'halfbreed' he's a human being" Elle muttered in disgust,
"Well not exactly is he?" Umbridge continued to smile "Human beings don't often turn into dangerous monsters now do they?"

"Don't you dare say that about him" Elle jumped up immediately, Patrick raised his eyebrows in surprise but he was more angered by the way Umbridge was addressing their previous Professor.
"He's ten times better than you'll ever even hope to be" she spat angrily.
"Don't talk to me in that tone" Umbridge scowled "I am your teacher" she cried out.

"Teacher" Elle yelled "HA, Don't make me laugh, your as much of a teacher as a jar of frogspawn". With that Elle picked up her bag and stormed out of the room promptly slamming the door shut behind her.

"You know I couldn't have said it better myself" Patrick muttered to Anna with a smirk feeling more proud than Elle than ever, "maybe I'm rubbing off on her"
"It's more likely the twins Pat" Anna replied in a whisper,
"Shh" Patrick shushed, "I'm taking credit"


"You'll never guess what we did in potions?" Anna grinned as she entered the room where Patrick was sitting working,
"Killed Snape?"
"No of course not" Anna rolled her eyes,
"Then I don't care" he smirked.

"We made amortentita" the blonde smiled as she held up a vile of pink potion"
"What's that... love potion?"
"Yes of course it's love potion" laughed Anna,
"Well I don't take NEWT potions do I?" Patrick scoffed, "anyway what's so special about this love potion?"

"It smells like what you're attracted to" Anna explained as she removed the cork off the top, "for example I smell Shea butter, firecrackers and butter beer"
"Let me guess... that's what Lee smells like?"
"Maybe" Anna blushed, "anyway I've been asking everyone what they smell because ... it's so interesting don't you think?"

"Yeah I guess" Patrick shrugged as he took the vile from her. He lifted it to his nose and sniffed gently,
"Smells like ... the pages of a new book... oranges and .... oh my god"
"What?" Anna asked in excitement as she practically sat on the edge of her seat.
"It smells like Percy" he murmured softly, "it smells exactly like Percy"

"I thought you were over Percy" Anna frowned,
"Yeah... so did I?"


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now