41. unanswered letters

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:quadraginta unum:
~unanswered letters~

:quadraginta unum: ~unanswered letters~

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Home in the summer was different this year, Amelia and Harriet were beyond happy to have Patrick back for two months however the house felt slightly empty due to the knowledge that someone was missing.
The blonde boy sat with his back to the tree and a cigarette between his lips, this place in the garden was the place where he felt closest to Liliana, as though he could hear her laughing next to him.

He watched as the smoke intertwined with the white clouds above him as he listened to the gentle breeze pushing the green leaves of the trees and the idle flowers. Patrick wasn't sure how Liliana had always gotten away with smoking in the garden because the boy was very sure that his mother knew exactly what he was doing. However she either didn't mind or didn't care because she wasn't stopping him.

Patrick was seventeen now which in the wizarding world meant that he was of age. He could now perform magic outside of school without anyone knowing, he should also be able to apperate however considering he moved down a year he would have to wait to practice learning that skill. The blonde doubted he would be very good at it.

"Patrick there's a letter for you" Harriet called into the garden air as Percy hopped quickly to his feet. He'd sent about eight letters to Percy over the seven weeks he'd currently been at home however he'd heard nothing in response. He want quite sure what to make of this, he was sure that this wasn't deliberate ignorance after all Weasley had promised to write to him however Patrick's mind had been full of the image of the guy he cared about so much, he began to worry that maybe Percy had been leading him on after all.

"Who's it from?" Patrick asked as he skidded into the kitchen, the letter was official looking with yellowing parchment and neat emerald ink sparkling in the kitchen light,
"Oh" Patrick muttered as he realised it was from the school and not from the pretentious red head who had captivated his dreams. "OH" suddenly the boy realised what this letter contained... his results.

With all the anxiety and anger over receiving no word from Percy he'd almost forgotten that he was also waiting to hear how his OWL's had gone, now as he stared at the letter he began to worry that his confidence over his exams had been for nothing. Maybe his hope of teaching at the school would be diminished right here in his kitchen.

"Open it then" Amelia smiled in excitement as he tore back the seal of the letter in anticipation.
His eyes skimmed over the opening words explaining what the letter contained and what each result meant, however as he already knew this Patrick discarded that letter and turned to see his results written importantly in black ink.



Patrick couldn't quite believe what he was seeing as he stared down at the results, three outstanding grades was not something that he had expected. His results also confirmed that he could continue the subjects that he wanted to, (care of magical creatures, defence against the dark arts, astronomy, transfigurations and charms).
"Let's see then" Harriet and Amelia called in excitement as he passed over the letter.

"WELL DONE" Harriet called as she pulled her son into a hug which Amelia soon joined in on,
"I'm so proud of you" Amelia smiled happily, "this calls for celebration"
The sudden euphoria that Patrick felt quickly replaced any thoughts he'd had over Percy, in fact in this moment he forgot about the Weasley boy completely.


"Patrick!" Anna ran over to the Ravenclaw table to hug her friend who had arrived to the school earlier due to taking the knight bus, "how was your summer?"
"It was alright" Patrick nodded in response, "different but alright"
"Glad to hear it and... results?" She asked and Patrick noted that she'd been excited about hearing how her friend had done ever since she'd received her own results.
"Three outstanding, two exceeds expectations, three acceptable and one poor"
"Three outstanding!" Anna beamed "that's amazing Patrick"

"What about you?" The blonde smirked knowingly,
"One exceeds expectations in history of magic" Anna sighed "and then eight outstanding"
"Oh my god" laughed the blonde "god you really are in Ravenclaw for a reason"
"So are you" Anna smiled in encouragement "you did so well Patrick"

"Thanks well... not everything in my summer went that well" he sighed,
"What do you mean?"
"I didn't hear from Percy once" the blonde admitted, "not one letter and I sent eight"
"Really?" And frowned "I thought he said that he'd write to you"
"Yeah he promised he would but unless all his letters got lost... he decided against it"

Patrick's gaze looked up as he saw two fiery headed boys walking into the great hall laughing about something or other,
"You know what" Patrick muttered "I'm going to ask the twins about him"
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Anna called but before he could hear her out he was gone. Patrick strode quickly over to the Gryffindor table and tapped one of the twins on the shoulder (though he wasn't sure which one).

They both turned around and looked at the blonde in surprise,
"Hi Patrick" Fred beamed, "what brings you to the best table"
"Your brother" muttered Larson,
"You're going to have to be a bit more specific with that one" George frowned "we have quite a few if you hadn't noticed",
"Percy" Patrick continued "what's he been doing all summer"

"Ugh don't get us started on that git" Fred rolled his eyes, "got a new job working for the ministry, he works for some guy named Crouch mind we saw him at the World Cup (you know the quidditch one) and he didn't even know Percy's name" Fred laughed, "called him Weatherby",
"Yeah he's never been so serious about something in his life, he's been doing a report on cauldron bottoms all summer (as if that's important) was even working on it at the World Cup".

"So is that why he hasn't replied to my letters?" Patrick pondered earning a shrug from both the twins,
"Probably" George answered, "if I were you I'd just give up, he's not worth it anyway the pompous git"
"Yeah consider yourself free" joked Fred, "hurray his finally gone"
Patrick quietly thanked the twins before retreating back to his own table with even more questions than he'd had before.

Just as he thought this year at Hogwarts couldn't get any weirder Dumbledore made a most peculiar announcement about how Hogwarts was going to host the Triwizard tournament this year. Two wizarding schools would be coming here to compete. Patrick looked to Anna in shock as Dumbledore announced that all students wanting to enter had to be over seventeen, the blondes heard loud complaints from the twins at the Gryffindor table.
"Don't even think about it" Anna raised her eyebrows at Patrick, "these trails are dangerous, you'll get yourself killed"

Although Patrick could do with the distraction from Percy, he decided getting himself killed in a series of challenges against other wizarding schools wasn't the way to do it.
"I'm not going to enter don't worry" Patrick smirked and Anna smiled in relief.


Yes Percy is a git again
Are we surprised? Probably not

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now