45. the second trial

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:quadraginta quinque:
~the second trial~

:quadraginta quinque:~the second trial~

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When Patrick woke up he was surrounded by white, out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure standing above him,
"Am I dead?" The blonde boy muttered as he squinted in an attempt to focus his vision,
"No you're not dead" the voice replied, "you're in the hospital wing"
Patrick blinked a few times and was relieved to see the image of his best friend move into view.

"Anna" he smiled, "what happened?"
"You passed out" she sighed as she took the seat beside his bed, Patrick raised himself into a sitting position noticing how woozy his head felt,
"I passed out" Patrick nodded, "I don't remember"

"Because you were extremely drunk" Anna scolded, "I told you not to mix drinks Patrick why didn't you listen to me?"
"I can't remember" the blonde murmured, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to"
"You could have got alcohol poisoning" the girl continued, "thank goodness Madame Pomfrey was able to prevent that"
"I don't feel well" the boy groaned as he fell dramatically back into his bed.

"No bloody wonder, you had us all scared Patrick... the way you just fell"
"What did Louis say?" Asked Patrick in a worried tone, "he was with me wasn't he?"
"He's been here this morning" Anna smiled softly, "I think he was just worried about you"
"My head hurts" the blonde continued to complain.

"I have no sympathy for you Patrick" Anna stated, "it's your fault you drank so much"
"I couldn't help it, the drink was just there" he whined, "I'm only human"
"Yeah so am I" Anna continued,
"No you're an angel " Patrick beamed.

"And I think you're still drunk" Anna scoffed,
"I'm not" Patrick shook his head, "if I was I wouldn't feel so shit"
"Yeah well... it was a brilliant way to enter the new year"
"It's January first?" Patrick smiled,
"No it's January second, you slept your way through the first"

"Ugh" Patrick groaned, "I missed the New Years feast, the potatoes are always amazing then"
"Patrick" Anna stated seriously, "you have to promise not to do that again"
"Get drunk?" Questioned the boy, "Anna that's a difficult one"
"Patrick" Anna interrupted, "promise me"

"Ok fine... I promise".


The second trial was to take place in February. Patrick didn't appreciate the fact that they were made to sit by a freezing lake that looked as though it could turn to ice in the cold at any moment.
"You do realise if the trial takes place in the lake we won't even be able to see anything" frowned the blonde,
"Yeah that's true" Leo muttered as Bella leant against his shoulder, "don't even know why we're here"

"Because this is history" Anna sighed, "this is one of the biggest events ever, we can't miss it"
"But we are missing it" Bella pointed out, "we can't even see anything"
Patrick turned his head to see the judges lining up at their usual table, to his discontent he saw that Crouch was still absent meaning Percy Weasley was sat looking pointedly across the crowd.

Percy's brown eyes collided with Patrick's and he immediately froze. The ministry member stood up and excused himself from the table.
"I'll be right back" Patrick muttered as he darted away from his seat leaving his three friends looking after him in confusion.

Patrick darted down the steps of the stands and almost collided with Percy who for once looked rather disheveled,
"Ah Larson" Percy muttered as the blonde stared at him, "I was meaning to talk to you"
"If you want to talk to me you're going to have to not call me Larson"
"Right um... Patrick" Percy began, "I wanted to apologise for our encounter at the yule ball"

"You mean the one where you basically told me I meant nothing and that you'd moved on"
"Yes that one" Percy sighed, "look things are difficult at the moment, I'm trying to live up to expectations"
"You mean the expectations you placed on yourself?" Patrick raised his eyebrows,
"The ministry have great expectations Patrick, I'm stressed all the time... I keep wanting to crack under the pressure but I know I can't"

"That's not an excuse" replied the blonde, "that doesn't stop you from writing a simple letter"
"But I was confused"
"You seem to always be confused" Patrick sighed in annoyance, "and every time you're confused I seem to get hurt"
"I'm sorry" Percy murmured, "I do care about you and I did want to write back to you"

"So why didn't you?" Patrick laughed coldly, "because you think you're better than me?"
"No because you deserve better than me" Percy admitted, "you deserve someone who can actually openly be with you"
"But I wanted you" Patrick sighed, "won't that ever be enough?"
"I wanted you too Patrick but... it's unpractical"

"You mean it's embarrassing for you?"
"No that's not what I meant"
"Really Percy?" Scoffed the blonde "because I remember plenty of times when you were ashamed of the idea of us"
"I'm not ashamed"

"Don't lie" Patrick scowled, "you can fool yourself but you can't fool me"
"Listen... can we go back to not hating each other?"
"No we can't Percy because every time we do you just mess it up again" Patrick snapped, "I can't believe that we're still doing this, I can't believe that I ever thought for a moment that this would work"

"I'm not asking for us to be together" Percy continued, "I just don't want it to end like this"
"Its your fault we ended like this Percy and to be honest I'm glad we did... at least now I get to see who you really are"
"Patrick" Percy sighed.
"Are you coming to watch the trial?" Both boys turned to see the figure of Louis standing there smiling in confusion.

"Yeah Louis I'm coming now" Patrick smiled as he reached out and took the French boys hand, "I'll not be seeing you later, Weasley" he smiled sarcastically before walking off back up the stands leaving Percy standing alone and upset.


The trial itself wasn't actually that entertaining considering they couldn't see anything. Patrick sat close with Louis as the group of friends chattered in excitement about who was going to win.
Turned out it was Cedric who reached the surface first carrying his girlfriend in tow,
Fleur had been disqualified but Krum came second with Hermione Granger.
Harry Potter reached the surface Last with Ron Weasley and Fleur's younger sister who looked cold and confused.

To Patrick's surprise he actually found himself enjoying the trial, he realised that he never really appreciated his friends enough. His mind always seemed to be concentrated on Percy but after the talk they'd just had it felt as though a weight had been lifted from his chest.
Maybe now he was finally free from Percy Weasley.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now