18. a sea of confusion

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~a sea of confusion~

:octodecim:~a sea of confusion~

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The weird thing about Percy Weasley was how organised he always seemed to be. Organisation itself wasn't unusual or unique but in Percy's case many were taken aback to just just how prepared the boy was. Since an early age he had a plan, an exact account of how he wanted his life to go. From school life to future families and career, Percy knew exactly who he was and what the future looked like for him. Thus far Percy had stuck to the plan, he'd gotten into Gryffindor house, gathered top grades in all subjects and set himself up to be prefect rather nicely. Proud was the way he'd describe his experience in life. He'd done what he needed to do without complications or questions.

That was until this moment.

For some reason the interaction he'd shared with the lanky blonde boy known as Patrick Larson had caused what Percy would describe as a crisis. However the predicament was made worse as he had no idea why this issue was stressing him out so much. The answer was simple and danced before the gingers eyes many a time however Percy purposely chose to ignore it. What was the answer? Percy liked Patrick. He didn't like him in a friendly way, not a caring way where he sought to protect him. No. Percy had managed to accumulate emotions for the boy that delved way beyond the depth of friendship and into something new and unknown for the Weasley.

Percy Weasley fancied Patrick Larson.

But that could not be right. There must be some sort of mistake. Percy knew who he was, Percy knew his future and he'd stuck by this. Nowhere in the neatly wrote out preparations was there any inkling that Percy could be gay. No. He was to have a family in the future, he'd decided that much. However this family included a wife and two children. Not a boyfriend and a hoard of uncertainty. Being gay was frowned upon and Percy only wanted to be respected. Patrick was nice, funny and good to be around but would that make Percy throw away his life's planning... no.

But getting rid of feelings wasn't that easy.

Denial wasn't exactly doing it. He'd tried to ignore it because surely Percy couldn't actually have a crush on a boy that was preposterous. However to his dismay there wasn't any other reasoned explanations that he could think of to describe how he felt. Percy felt frustrated with himself a lot of the time. His plan had been going particularly well as of late. Not only did McGonagall practically confirm that he'd be prefect but he'd also been getting a lot closer with Penelope Clearwater. He admired Penelope because of her high academics and her strive for success. She also wanted to be prefect which had set a light in Percy's mind, an idea of the couple they could be.

The problem? Percy didn't actually feel anything towards Penelope.

At first he thought it was because he didn't know her well enough. He'd never experienced feelings before so he didn't know how it worked. Did they come straight away or did it take time? He didn't understand why he didn't like Penelope in that way. From all his calculations he thought her to be perfect. Smart, pretty and ambitious. This was all the Weasley admired for his future wife. The truth is that he thought they'd been hitting it off rather well. She always seemed to laugh at what he said even if it wasn't remotely funny and they had been spending time together. Something Percy rarely did with other people.

Penelope and Percy would have been great together if it wasn't for the fact that Percy blatantly liked men.

He could never accept this. Even if it were true, he would rather hide it in a large hole and pretend otherwise then come to terms that he was anything less than perfect. Percy wasn't exactly homophobic because he didn't see anything wrong with gay couples or being attracted to the same gender. However when the coin flipped and he became that individual, he hated it. He felt disgusting and wrong. To him being gay was a corruption on his perfect efforts to be a success. An ink blot on a beautifully composed letter, a tear in the page.


Percy had been struggling with these thoughts and emotions throughout his Easter holidays. Usually when he returned home at April, he'd spend the time furiously working in his room to make sure he got everything done on time. However his usually brilliant focus and concentration were lost, sunken into his already crowded brain and loud thoughts. Even his motivation was beginning to dwindle, for once in his life Percy had to admit that he had a 'flaw' or an impossible wall in his way.

For the Weasley, he could only see one solution to his ongoing problems. This solution was denial. Percy hoped that if he ignored these feelings and tribulations, they'd just go away. If only it was this easy.

"Percy?" The boy turned to see his nine year old sister (Ginny) standing by his door smiling keenly. "Will you come outside to play quidditch with us?"
The Weasley looked rather tired with shadows under his eyes and paled skin from the lack of sun.
He smiled weakly at his sister and as he did so a saddening thought entered his mind. Ginny was probably the only sibling he had who didn't judge him for his ideals or plans. He knew that his brothers thought of him as being uptight and pompous but Ginny... she only saw the older brother who had never turned her down, who had always joined in her games and had made her feel so special.

"Not today Ginny"

The smile on the girls face fell as her brother said no. Percy rarely said no to Ginny but at the moment he had too much on his mind.
"Oh... ok then" she shrugged before leaving the room. Percy felt himself being overcome by guilt as he saw the sad expression on her face.

"He said no didn't he?" The voice of George Weasley could be heard from downstairs,
"Told you he would" continued Fred "I don't know why you have so much faith in him Gin"


A/n - this chapter is really short because I don't want to drag it out and make it boring, also writing from Percy's perspective is rather difficult especially because he's not actually gay in the books of movies (though I think he should be lmao) so I have to create a whole new perspective for him. Anyway that's just me complaining because writing this took me ages
Anyway I hope you're enjoying it and if you are remember to vote on it or comment (bc it means a lot)
Thanks :0
Adios !!

(Also fun fact)
The character of Patrick is based off one of my best friends.
Anyway it's his birthday on Friday and I ordered him a packet of 125 tiny plastic babies which I think reflects him rather well I'm ngl.
Yes he is turning 18. Yes I bought him plastic babies. Yes he will be extremely excited about it and will probably turn them into earrings.
Anyway that's all I just thought I'd share that fact :)

This is actually goodbye now.

Or is it?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now