29. apologies and epiphanies

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:viginti novem:
~apologies and epiphanies~

:viginti novem: ~apologies and epiphanies~

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"Prefects have to work together"
"I know"
"Yes I'm aware that you know, but I don't quite think you understand how bad this is for me"
"You think everything is bad for you"

Anna and Patrick were sat in the very back corner of the defence of the dark arts classroom. It was Patrick who had this lesson first on a Monday (to his dismay) however the blonde had agreed to keep him company until she had to make her way to charms.

"What if they make me work with that git?"
"I'm presuming that git is the new nickname for Percy"
"Yes of course it is and it's extremely accurate so don't dis it"
"Wasn't planning to" shrugged Anna "anyway, Dumbledore will probably make the fifth year prefects work with the other fifth years... that's what I would do anyway"

"Unfortunately Anna you're not headmistress...yet and we both know that Dumbledore has something wrong in the head, why else would he make me prefect?"
"You should stop diminishing yourself with that Pat" Anna frowned at him "you get good grades, you're a nice person... why shouldn't you be prefect?"
"Because I'm this close" Patrick indicated the distance between his thumb and forefinger "to breaking every rule in the school"

"Slight exaggeration" Anna sighed,
"Slight being the key word there" the boy replied,
"Anyway... there's... how many prefects?"
"About sixteen" Patrick answered.

"Ok well there's fifteen that you could be paired with, which approximately means there's only a two in seven chance ,or one in fifteen of course, of you actually being partnered with him, plus if you take into the account the fact that he's in the year above... I would say there's even less chance"
"Anna I lost you at fifteen" Patrick groaned "you know I don't understand any of that"

"Yes well the point is that it's highly unlikely that you'll be paired with him anyway so what's the point in worrying?"
"Because I think if I have to speak with him one more time, my life will actually end"
"Oh stop being dramatic" Anna cursed as she hit one of Lockhart's many books against his arm, "just don't speak to him, how hard can it be?"

"It's very hard not to insult him every chance that I get"
"Who are you talking about?" Leo asked in curiosity as he took the other seat next to Patrick,
"No one of importance" Patrick huffed,
"Oh merlin look at the time" gasped Anna "I have to go to charms... see you both later"

"Bye Anna" the boys hummed in unison as the blonde fled from the classroom,
"What are your bets then?" Leo asked in a hushed whisper,
"How much of a prat do you think this Lockhart is going to be?"
"Oh a complete prat... probably the biggest prat we will ever have to experience".

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now