25. mistake

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:viginti quinque:

✰✰✰"You could at least talk to me" Anna sighed in frustration

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"You could at least talk to me" Anna sighed in frustration.
Patrick was sat in silence staring at his rather large plate of potatoes in a dreamy fashion. Many would presume that the blonde was dreaming of the potatoes (as he often did) however through his mind flashed a dozen images of the one and only Percy Weasley.

"I don't feel much like talking" Patrick shrugged. Anna had been trying to get him to lighten up all day but without much success. Since the talk with the prefect, Patrick had been far from himself. The words had burnt him like a flame especially the last one Percy had spoken to him. Mistake.

The word flowed through his brain like a virus, eating up any of the happiness that was still idly floating around up there. Now he just felt empty.
"Eat something then... that'll make you feel better"
For once Anna didn't know how to solve the problem, usually she came in with the best advice that worked on any tear or tribulation. Now she was completely lost, almost as lost as the hazy blue clouds in Patrick's glassy eyes.

He picked up the silver fork beside the plate and stared to eat the food that usually made his day a whole lot better. However today the potatoes tasted dry and plain. Boring just like he seemed to be.
Without helping himself, his eyes drifted up towards the Gryffindor table landing on the familiar face of the boy who he just couldn't leave alone.

Anna followed his gaze and saw Percy Weasley with his nose stuck in a hard back book. The curls on his head were more neatly styled under his pretentious black hat. Only the swots wore those hats, that's what Patrick always said.
"I hate him" Patrick muttered as he dropped his fork which clanged angrily with the plate.
"I really really hate him"

"Who's got your wand in a knot?"
Patrick looked up to see Roger Davies and Jeremy Stratton sliding into the seats beside Anna and the blonde.
"Hi Anna" beamed Jeremy as he began to grab food from across the spread,
"None of your business Davies" Patrick huffed.

"Not even on first name terms with me?" Laughed Roger "we share a room and everything"
"Tell someone who cares"
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed"
"I mean it Davies, piss the fuck off"

"Patrick" Anna warned as Davies raised his eyebrows in surprise,
"Sorry Larson I was only messing around" the handsome brunette smirked,
"Yeah I know you were... sorry" Patrick muttered quickly as he pushed his hair out of his face.
Apologising never came easy to Patrick, it wasn't in his stubborn nature to admit that he was wrong or took something too far.

Davies just shrugged as he followed Jeremy in collecting food. Patrick had given up eating, nothing tasted good while his ongoing hatred for Percy raged through his mind.
"There's a Hogsmede trip in a few weeks" Anna noted as she stirred round her pasta,
"Forgot you could go to Hogsmede now" smirked the blonde "at least that's something to look forward to"
"Well actually" Anna smiled "I was thinking I might go with Lee"

"Lee Jordan?" Patrick frowned "as in... a date?"
"Is that such a crazy prospect?" Anna smirked, a small blush creeping over her cheeks,
"I didn't say that" defended Patrick "just... Lee Jordan really?"
"What's wrong with Lee?" Anna smiled thoughtlessly "he's really nice"

"Yeah but he's friends with those idiot twins"
"Fred and George are bearable once you get to know them" Anna shrugged "apart from when they're pulling those ridiculous pranks"
"Yeah but I didn't think all of that childish behaviour was for you"
"It's not" Anna laughed "Lee can be more mature when he's not with the twins... you could come with-"
"Anna I love you but I am not gate crashing your date"


"Percy Weasley ... outstanding" Professor McGonagall smiled at him as she read out the results from the previous exam.
Usually this announcement would fill the prefect with pride, today however he just felt a slight twinge of guilt. He didn't deserve the good grades.

"Well done Perce" whispered Penelope Clearwater looking slightly regretfully down at her exceeds expectations.
"Thank you Penny" Percy replied with what he hoped was a heartwarming smile. He didn't feel much like smiling at the moment, not that he felt like he deserved to.

Ever since his last conversation with Larson, Percy hadn't felt anything expect guilt and regret which was not a good mixture. He sat in lessons barely able to pay attention, even some of his teachers had picked up on the fact that he hadn't been answering an abundance of questions like he usually did.

Percy wasn't himself. Everything that he was feeling, the anger, the confusion and most importantly the guilt was entirely his fault. Percy didn't deserve sympathy, not even from himself.
"Are you going to be in the library tonight, we have that potions essay due" Penelope smiled.

Percy looked up, her chocolate eyes used to provide him some solace, some hope that his plan was still in motion. Now he just felt even more guilt.
"Not tonight... I'm not feeling too good"
"I'm sorry to hear that" Penelope continued, her voice was rather soothing... not enough to make Percy feel better but enough to forget for a moment why his life was crumbling apart.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" she smiled, her dark hair had been sleeked back into a tight bun exposing the perfect angles of her face.
Percy was trying very hard to convince himself that he like her. He didn't liked Patrick Larson ... he should like Penelope Clearwater. Why couldn't he like Penelope.

Everything about her was perfect. She would fit brilliantly into the nice little life he'd planned out for himself. Yet here he was pining over a fourth year blonde boy who thought he was a pompous git. Not that he didn't deserve it. Percy was many things but he wasn't delusional.


Patrick looked up from the book perched under his nose. Roger Davies was leaning against the door frame into the dormitory, an air of cool hanging around him.
"Hi" Patrick muttered before turning back to the book. He hadn't turned the page in over an hour, the words had blurred together as the thoughts in his mind whirred.

"I didn't mean to strike a nerve before" Davies continued as he walked into the room "just joking around... you know me"
"Do I?" Patrick raised his eyebrows,
"What's up with you?" He asked,
"Nothing" Patrick pretended to flick a page, pretending that he wasn't just staring aimlessly at the words.

"You can tell me"
"Can I?" Scoffed the blonde "no offence Davies but I don't even know you"
"You could get to know me"
Patrick looked up slowly from his book at the random and unexpected comment. Roger was smirking at him as he stood by the window. His brown hair fell over his forehead as his eyes stood still on the blonde.

Patrick's heart began to speed up, maybe because of the weird attention he was getting from the usual uncaring quidditch player.
"What do you mean?" Asked Patrick slowly. He cursed himself for the twitch coming in his leg as his knee bopped nervously through the air.

"I think you know exactly what I mean Larson" winked Davies,
"Didn't paint you out to be like that"
"Like what?"
"Like me"

"Appearances can be deceiving" shrugged the brunette, "I won't tell if you don't"
Patrick couldn't take his eyes of Davies sharp jawline, his floppy hair and his toned arms. Playing quidditch certainly wasn't doing him any harm.
"You won't say anything?" Patrick mused as he swung his legs off the bed "not going to turn around and call me a puff?"

"That would be rather hypocritical now wouldn't it" Roger laughed as he moved closer to Patrick. The blondes heart was racing as he stared up at Rogers face. He ran a thumb along the blondes jawline, along the cheek, gracing his lip.
"You sure?" The blonde muttered,
"I am if you are"


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now