37. ambush of the mind

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:triginta septem:
~ambush of the mind~

:triginta septem:~ambush of the mind~

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Patrick hadn't been the same as usual, it was fair to say he was a shadow of his former self. He'd been mailing letters home to his mother and sister nearly every day, worried that if he didn't reach out enough he might lose another one of them. Anna had noticed his sudden decline in character but it's not as though she hadn't expected it, Patrick had lost someone he loved, someone dear to him. Nothing was going to make that ok.

Despite the way he was feeling, the boy continued to work through lessons as though nothing had happened. Anna kept telling him that the professors would understand if he needed some time to himself, to think however all Patrick wanted was a distraction. When his mind wasn't focused on doing something, the image of Liliana would sneak into his mind and he didn't want to see her almond eyes anymore.

It was unfair to blame himself for not being fast enough, she'd deliberately been as quiet as possible, as careful with her actions and timings to make sure that it happened the way she wanted it to. However that didn't stop Patrick from cursing himself to sleep, from internally beating himself to a pulp. If only he'd stayed with her.

Patrick couldn't move down a year again which was one of the reasons why he was so determined not to fall behind, he'd already done that and look where he ended up. He'd spend hours doing as much work as he could, even more than Anna which was concerning considering she found her entertainment in the library.

Being a triplet was a curse as he couldn't look in the mirror without seeing her. They were never identical, Patrick and Amelia had been similar before she transitioned however Liliana's features had always been more like her mother's. Slim curved features that wouldn't look out of place in a magazine.

Despite this, the colour of their blue eyes had been the same. The same muted blue that seemed iridescent in the sunlight. In her final days, Lili's eyes had lost their sparkle, that small light that lit up her face. Now as Patrick surveyed his face in the mirror's surface, he noticed that he'd lost it too.

He so badly wanted to see her again, he wanted to know where she was. In his dreams Lili reincarnated into a blue butterfly, he kept seeing that small beautiful creature wherever he went and it brought him a sense of comfort however the boy didn't actually believe in reincarnation, he'd just convinced himself to.

The symbol of the little blue butterfly followed him around his mind, hitting off the sides of his brain as he so deeply tried to concentrate. With its fragile azure wings and sense of spirit, it brought with it an idea. An idea that consumed Patrick's brain leaving him no room to think of anything else.
What if he could see Liliana again?

He pondered over books in the library, sought assistance from Anna who seemed too sympathetic to help. The blonde girl told him there was no way to revive the the dead but in a world of magic Patrick was quick to counter her statement. He found books on potions to endure dreams of a certain person, myths of a stone that could actually bring someone back to life but no solid answer to his question.

Patrick decided that he probably had no hope of speaking to Liliana again however that butterfly kept on interrupting his every waking hour, whittling down his brain, snaring his senses until he realised. There was a way. A very obvious way.


"Are you coming to the library again tonight?" Asked Anna as her Patrick and Leo walked up from the dining hall,
"Definitely not" Leo yawned,
"I wasn't talking to you" Anna smiled was sarcastic sweetness,
"Not tonight A, maybe tomorrow"

The blonde girl smiled in reply before turning and walking away down an intersecting corridor,
"I'm going straight to bed" Leo informed him as he played with the sleeve of his robe "thank god it's a Saturday tomorrow"
"I know, I don't think I could take another full day"

"I hope the school doesn't threaten to close again this year... you know since Sirius Black broke in the other night,
"Yeah I know, it was bad enough last year... I'll tell you now I won't be staying at this school until I'm twenty"
"I'd hope not" Leo laughed "I don't know how you'll cope doing an entire year without me"

"I'll thrive Leo, I'll thrive"
"Course you will mate" Leo laughed "are you not coming back to the common room?"
"Yeah in a bit I just promised I'd meet someone" Patrick lied as he turned off into another corridor",
"Ah I get it" Leo winked "right I'll see you later then ... or I probably won't because I'll be asleep" he smirked before disappearing with the crowd of students.

Patrick walked briskly down and took a sharp left down a stone staircase. He had expected to feel something, fear, excitement or regret but instead he just felt numb. He felt ready. His day today had been bad enough to spur him on. Through ever lesson that planted idea had begun to grow into a spiralling butterfly bush flurrying his head with overlapping thoughts.

He couldn't believe that he hadn't thought of this before, it was such an obvious solution to his problems. He'd decided to push away the consequences, once again Patrick was only thinking about himself. Patrick didn't wonder whether Amelia or Anna would turn into the shadow that he'd been this week.

Patrick hadn't wondered how his mother would feel knowing that two of her children hadn't been happy enough to stay alive. He hadn't imagined what Amelia would do as an only child, whether she would follow in suit. The blonde hadn't considered what Anna's future might be like after this, whether she'd ever be ok again.

His mind was clouded by this swarm of butterfly's trying to eat out his mind. To him this wasn't a selfish act, it was the only thing that could make him feel ok again.
Finally he reached his destination, the abandoned boys bathroom on the second floor, the entrance to the chamber of secrets which had since been barred.

His hands collided with the sink as he stared at his lost eyes in the mirror. He didn't even recognise himself anymore. The once cheerful and loving boy was gone replaced by a sense of hatred, grief and agony. His heart burned with the pain that he felt just by looking at the blue of his iris'.

This felt right somehow. In the twisted curt world that his mind had become, this was the right decision.

He wanted to know how she'd felt and now he did, he understood exactly why she'd done it. This world was so empty, so void of meaning to him.

Patrick just wanted to see her again.

His butterfly.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now