19. leo harden

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~Leo Harden~

:novendecim: ~Leo Harden~

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Leo wasn't the most intelligent Ravenclaw. He often found himself falling behind in lessons due to the fact he couldn't pay attention to the drawling voices of teachers. He would zone out his leg bouncing uncontrollably as he longed to move around. It was one of the reasons why he loved practical lessons so much, it was also one of the reasons that by the end of the school days he was usually in an insufferable mood.

Annabelle helped to keep him calm, she was his best friend and without her Leo couldn't imagine how he'd be able to cope with the overwhelming stress of piling homework and expectations of teachers. Despite only being in their third year at Hogwarts, school was stressful. Leo didn't want to imagine what it would be like in the years to come.

On one particular Wednesday, they day had been rough. All of his lessons had been in a lecture style, meaning he had to listen intently and copy every down that was of importance. Unfortunately Leo found it difficult to pay attention especially by the last lesson after suffering through six hours of almost constant writing. His head hurt and his patience had vanished like smoke in the wind.

All Leo wanted to do was to go back to the Ravenclaw common room and sleep. How inviting his bed seemed right about now. As he paced quickly across the corridors avoiding the swarms of people doing exactly the same thing, he heard his name being called behind him.
"Leo wait up!" He turned to see a wave of beautiful red hair and a twinkling smile he knew only too well.

"Hi Bella" he grinned. Bella had fast become Annabelle's new nickname after they'd started hanging out with Anna Jones so much. Their names were relatively similar meaning that Bella was adopted for the red head. Personally Leo believed that she suited the name rather well.
Annabelle was the smartest girl in their year, a Slytherin due to her ambition to excel and be the best. Leo often felt jealous as he watched her scratch the quill over the paper without a second thought. He focus and keenness to learn was something the boy had always lacked.

"Are you ok?" She smiled sympathetically as they began to walk in unison down the corridor "I saw you in charms there and you seemed rather lost"
"Yeah I've just had five lecture lessons in a row Bella, I know you love them but they just finish me off"
"I know" muttered Bella "my younger sisters the same, can never concentrate for a long period of time"
"Yeah, well I think I'm just going to go back to the common room and lie down"

"Good idea" the girl smiled in a cheerful manner "I'm going to the library, but I'll see you tomorrow"
Leo watched as his best friend turned and jaunted away in the other direction, her red hair fanning out behind her and twinkling form the warm yellow glow emitting through the castle.
The corridors were a bit more quiet when he turned into the western sector. With every step he took it was as though a force was pulling him down to the ground. If he could just curl up on the stone floor he knew he would sleep for weeks.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now