57. friends at funerals

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:quinquaginta septem:
~friends at funerals~

:quinquaginta septem: ~friends at funerals~

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Patrick had successfully made it back to Greece however the bitter sweet meetings he'd had with his friends had left him missing them more than ever. He knew that Anna would be worrying over him, he knew how stressed Elle was about her brother. Now he was home he almost felt as though he was the one having it easy, he'd had no contact or even a sign that Tony was coming for him and living by the beach was actually rather fun.

He could tell that Amelia and Harriet were missing their lives to, Patrick also felt bad that he had got the opportunity to go see Anna and Elle but he couldn't let Amelia see Dominic. I mean... what would she tell him? She couldn't exactly tell him the truth, he was a muggle after all.

Patrick wished a lot that this could all be over, that he and his family could go back to his house. On his way back to Greece he'd taken the chance of apperating back into that small cottage on a whim. The blonde knew the risks that he was taking but he also knew that he'd be back a second later. All he needed was an envelope presumably lying on his doorstep. He wasn't sure why the owl hadn't just come to Greece, it was as though Dumbledore knew Patrick didn't want to be found, then again Dumbledore knew everything.

Patrick couldn't tell his mother and sister he'd been back for his results so he lied and said he'd just finally received the owl. They stressed out about it at first worried that post could be tracked however Patrick reassured them that all would be fine. The blonde was also extremely satisfied with his results and felt disappointed that he couldn't actually do anything about them.

The letter had read,


Patrick had been shocked by how incredible he'd done, maybe he was supposed to be in Ravenclaw after all. If his life hadn't turned upside down he would have been able to start training to be a teacher by now. He could feel the school calling out to him but there was no way of knowing how long they were going to be in hiding for.


Towards the earlier summer months Patrick felt contempt with his life, he knew there was no way out of this so he had come to get on with it. It seemed his mother and sister felt the same. Although Amelia was upset that her first relationship had ended so quickly, she accepted that she'd rather save her brother than retain a boyfriend. As for Harriet it seemed that she was getting closer with one of the Greek women that worked in one of the pubs. All in all things could be a lot worse.

In fact Patrick had been in a rather good mood until he walked past one of the pubs, he knew that this pub was a wizard pub because neither Harriet nor Amelia could see it however he'd never gone in because he was aware that if there were any death eaters lingering his cover up act would be finished.
As he walked past he heard voices talking loudly in English by the front door.

"I'm not lying it's in the paper"
"Dumbledore dead... I can't believe it"
"The funerals on Friday... at Hogwarts... that's new they never usually bury headmasters at Hogwarts"
"No but then again they don't usually die on the grounds"
"Well that's all hope gone lad... they say Dumbledore was the only wizard you know who was scared of"

Patrick's heart was almost beating out of his chest as he burst back into his house. He couldn't believe what he had heard, Dumbledore couldn't be dead. That wasn't right. Everyone had always counted on the wizard to get them through everything, he was going to be the one to defeat Voldemort, at least that's what everyone had thought.

"Patrick what's wrong" Amelia asked immediately as her brother stumbled into the kitchen,
"Dumbledores dead" he stated clearly,
"What" Harriet gasped, "are you sure?"
"Pretty sure yeah... the funerals on Friday... mum I have to go"

"Patrick don't be irrational" Harriet jumped up, "you don't have to go... we're safe here"
"We might not be safe at all if Dumbledores dead... look I won't get myself seen I just need to know what's happening"
"It's too much of a risk Pat..." Amelia murmured,
"I'm sorry but I have to try" Patrick countered, "look if all goes wrong you two will still be safe I promise"

"That's not something I want you to be promising" Harriet shook her head, "Patrick... you can't do this"
"If there's been some big fight... who knows Tony might be dead mum I need to find out"
"I can see there's no stopping you" she muttered, "but please be careful"


Patrick appeared at Hogsmede on Friday afternoon, he had no idea what time the funeral was but he didn't care, all he needed was to find someone who could tell him what was going on.
His pace quickened as he neared Hogwarts, he'd forgotten how much he'd missed this place, it had been almost a year since he'd left after all.

He could see the congregation of the funeral from metres away as he paced towards the back. It seemed to be near an end and the blonde could see that many witches and wizards had shown up to say their goodbyes. Patrick began to wonder whether his mother had been right, was he risking too much by coming here.
People were departing their seats and he ducked behind a tree as they walked past. He just needed to see Anna, he was sure that she'd be here.

Suddenly he saw her, walking hand in hand with Lee.
"Anna" he called knowing this was the only way to get her attention, even if it did draw attention to himself.
"Patrick" she gasped as her and Lee walked over, "what the hell are you doing here?"
"I need to know what happened" he pleaded with her, "I know it's a risk"

"Patrick you could get yourself killed" she hissed as she nervously looked around, "Dumbledores dead that's what happened",
"How?" Patrick asked,
"Snape killed him" Lee muttered, "on the astronomy tower"
"Is everyone else ok?"

"Bill Weasley got attacked by a Fenrir Greyback"
"The werewolf... god is he ok?"
"Yeah" nodded Anna, "it wasn't a full moon so Bill won't be an actual werewolf"
"And... what about the other side"

"One dead" muttered Anna, "don't know his name but ... Patrick it wasn't who you're hoping it was"
Lee looked in confusion between them but didn't ask questions,
"Is that why you're really here?" Anna asked with small smiled, "look I know you're sick of hiding Pat but nothings really changed, if anything things have got worse".

Patrick felt his heart drop slightly, he'd been hoping for a miracle, for some way that they could come back into the real world. The blonde felt as though he had missed so much.
"Look Anna you know where I am... I know I haven't told you but you're smart... you know where I'm hiding"
Anna nodded slowly without making eye contact,
"I'll never say anything Pat I'm promise"

"I know you won't" Patrick continued, "but please... come find me in a few months... I just need to see you"
"What if someone follows me?" She asked quietly,
"They won't" Patrick shook his head, "you're smarter than that"
Anna nodded again, "I'll try but ... no promises"

"No promises" he laughed, "that should be our new saying.
The blondes hugged each other quickly before they turned and walked away. Yet again Patrick felt his heart ache at the thought of leaving his friend. But there was no other way.

He stepped out from behind the tree ready to make his way back down to the village to apperate but his heart stopped as his eyes met with another's.

He blinked for a moment making sure that it was really him, Patrick froze completely memories flooding back to him.

And Percy Weasley just smiled, smiled as though nothing had happened.


I know Patrick's being irrational and it'll happen again next chapter but it's basically just for the storyline and something interesting to write about
Bc writing about three people chilling in Greece wouldn't be that exciting

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now