61. the selfless act

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:sexaginta unus:
~the selfless act~

:sexaginta unus: ~the selfless act~

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Patrick stood up immediately his heart pounding,
"Sit down" Harriet warned, "we need to talk about this"
"What's there to talk about" Patrick snapped, "he's going to kill Amelia mum... I have to go there's no other way, it's my fault he found us anyway god I am such a fucking idiot"
"Patrick what if we ambush him?" Percy suggested.

"It's not worth the risk" retorted the blonde, "one spell and my sister is dead.. I can't lose her Perce, not after Liliana"
"But ... you'll have to become a death eater... what if he kills you" Percy sighed, "Patrick let's be rational"
"My sisters going to die" Patrick cried out, "this isn't the time for being rational, the time for that was when I was deciding whether to go to the wedding"

"I'm sorry" Percy moaned as he placed his head in his hands, "I should never have asked that of you... I just wanted to prove that I'd changed"
"It's not your fault" Patrick shook his head, "you didn't see this coming... no one could"
Patrick didn't entirely agree with this, he internally cursed himself for ignoring all the warning signs that his brain had given him.

"Patrick please" his mother sobbed,
"I'm not going to die mum but Amelia is... there's only one option and you know it"
She shook her head, "there must be another way"
"There isn't" the blonde pleaded, "mum... there isn't any other way... this is it... it was inevitable I suppose, he was always going to win"

Percy stood up so violently that the table shook, his face was paler than ever making his constellation like freckles stand out that bit more.
"There's always another way" he murmured, "there was for us and there will be for this"
Patrick wished he could believe him, he wished that he had that optimistic attitude constantly demonstrated by Anna. However today he knew that his pessimism was going to save his sister.

"I love you" he spoke clearly to Percy, "I love so much... and mum I love you to infinity and back... which is why I have to do this"
"Patrick!" Percy yelled as he turned to the door, the blonde turned around the see the red head feet from him as he placed his lips to his. Patrick wished he could have relaxed more into it, after all this would probably be their last kiss. Patrick was either facing death or a life condemnation of practical slavery, maybe his mind wouldn't even be his own.

He thought to what Elle had told him about her brother ,Theodore Sanders, how his mind had been tainted, manipulated and used to the point where he couldn't control what he was doing. Patrick still had hope that good would prevail however this would no longer benefit him, there would be a cell in Azkaban with his name on it but if he could save Amelia then it would all be worth it.

"Goodbye" Patrick murmured softly through tears as he and Percy pulled apart. Glittering tracks decorated the boys face as he looked after him, his deep brown eyes filled with lost hope.
The sun was setting over the beach now, he had to hurry before it was to late. Green light flashed before his eyes as he imagined his sister lying dead on a cold floor.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now