65. the battle of hogwarts

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:sexaginta quinque:
~the battle of hogwarts ~

:sexaginta quinque:~the battle of hogwarts ~

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"Hurry!" Anna called as a wall exploded behind them, "come on we have to hurry"
Patrick grabbed Percy's hand in his as they followed Anna and Lee,
"We have to guard the secret passages" Patrick repeated the instruction out loud as his shoes sounded against the stone floor.

"It's by the whomping willow" Lee Jordan called, "I've seen it before"
"The twins tell you by any chance?" Percy smirked,
"Yes actually" laughed Lee, "If we can't get to the death eaters I'm sure that blasted tree will sort them out"

A man darted past them wearing black robes following a young girl with blonde hair,
"We have to help her" Percy muttered as the death eater shot spells after the girl, "she should have left with the other students"
"We have to guard the passage" Patrick called, Percy had stopped dead staring after the girl.

"I'll meet you there ok" Percy smiled,
"No wait" the blonde called as Percy darted off the other way, "we were supposed to stay together" he muttered quietly.
The wall next to him suddenly exploded and Patrick was pushed back feeling his legs stuck under rubble and stone.

"Anna!" Patrick called but the girl had vanished around the corner with Lee,
"Fucks sake" Patrick cursed, "Wingardium Leviosa"
The rocks slowly began to move up into the air following the movements of his wand. He looked both ways down the corridors but couldn't see any of his companions.

The boy darted off outside, feeling the wind hit his face. Maybe it's just because it had been a while since he'd been at the school but all of a sudden he wasn't sure where he was or where he was going. The dark had clouded his vision as he saw flashes of light all around.

They'd broken through the barriers around the school, the sky above was littered with spells that could have been stars. Constellations that perfectly matched the freckles on Percy Weasleys face.

"Watch out!" A voice called as a crystal ball seemingly fell from the heavens. The blonde looked up to see Sybil Trelawney standing next to Lavender Brown and the Patil twins.
"Sorry I thought you were a death eater" Parvati Patil called apologetically.
"Thanks a lot" Patrick called back as he continued to run out to the side of the castle.

He'd worked out that he was in the courtyard, it seemed a lot of the fighting was happening here.
The blonde hesitated as he wondered whether he should help out here or go find Anna and Lee.

It seemed that those fighting on the courtyard needed some help, they were currently outnumbered by death eaters.
However what if Anna and Lee needed more help, god he wished he was good at making decisions.

Unexpectedly Patrick felt himself stumbling aside, someone had walked into him. He looked up praying that he hadn't just collided with a death eater. To his relief his gaze connected with Athena Sinistra's.
"Patrick!" She beamed, "good to see you"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now