10. detention

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Patrick fell back into school like clockwork. Third year was supposedly more difficult than the previous two years due to the added curricular. Two new subjects would be marked on timetables and became compulsory to attend. Patrick had chose divination and care of magical creatures (these had seemed the obvious choices to him). However his first day back had neither of these lessons worked in meaning he had a mainly uneventful day.

Lessons were never really enjoyable to him. Occasionally if there was some practicality involved, he would enjoy himself yet when it was a lecture style lesson he would find himself drifting off. Astronomy was different (not only because Professor Sinistra was his favourite teacher but also) because he enjoyed the way the stars looked through a telescope. They seemed so close that he could reach out and touch them. He'd always appreciated the beauty of the velvet night sky.

Potions was definitely Patrick's worst subject. Snape didn't hate him as much as he loathed other students but he didn't like him very much either. He'd never got a potion drastically wrong like Leo (sending an overflowing brew all over the stone floor) but he had also never quite perfected a potion like Annabelle. He lay somewhere in the middle, undeserving of praise or criticism.

His Monday was made better by double transfigurations. McGonagall had a soft spot for him as she personally had seen to his introduction into the magical world (plus he also liked cats). Patrick sat next to Leo and Sean as he tried to transform a large raven into a mere goblet. Every time he'd try to do this thus far the goblet had been left with black feathers and a faint squawking could still be heard.

Getting a detention on the first day back had certainly not been something that Patrick was expecting. He had a laid back day after potions with only transfigurations and charms yet it seemed the universe was against him.
He blamed Leo (though he always loved blaming anyone but himself). Once more Leo had turned his rat into a perfect silver goblet yet Patrick hadn't quite grasped the spell yet. As Leo began making fun of his poor attempt at a goblet, Patrick jokingly lost his rag.

"PISS OFF LEO" he yelled rather loudly, his voice echoed off the stone walls as he realised how quiet the room had been at the time. He'd underestimated the volume of his yell as he winced at the sound.
"Detention Mr Larson" McGonagall raised her eyebrows at him,
"For swearing?" The boy defended knowing that his sentence was certain,
"Yes Mr Larson, I'd rather you didn't tell your peers to piss off during my lesson"

"You just swore" retorted the boy "bit hypocritical don't you think?"
"I am allowed to Mr Larson seeing as I am a teacher... you however are not, at least not the last time I checked" she smiled sweetly as the boy huffed back into his seat.
"Seven o clock my office tonight"


"Detention?" Anna rolled her eyes "honestly it wouldn't kill you to stay out of trouble"
"It was Leo's fault" Patrick snapped at the boy sitting next to him who continued to snigger at the thought "he was making fun of my goblet"
"Your what?" Asked Anna,
"My goblet" emphasised the boy "we had to turn animals into water goblets and I couldn't manage it"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now