32. ginny

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:triginta duo:
~ginny ~

:triginta duo: ~ginny ~

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Although no one thought it was quite possible, Hogwarts got worse. A few more students had been petrified (including Penelope Clearwater) and now as well as the tightened security, Dumbledore had been removed from the school.
It had happened one night apparently the governors of the school had collectively decided that Dumbledore wasn't doing a good enough job of stopping the attacks from happening.

However now with the headmaster gone, everyone seemed to be in a state of panic. Dumbledore may not have done a good job of stopping the attacks however the school was definitely not better off without him. McGonagall had gone her best to keep everything moving smoothly but it seemed that everyone knew that the school was bound to close sometime soon.

Patrick had completely given up studying for his exams (much to Anna's dismay) as he was sure even if exams did go ahead, by this point he had no hope of passing them anyway. His motivation was gone as the majority of his mind seemed to be centred on the idea of Percy (as much as he wished that it wasn't).

A lot of him urged to be grateful that this whole affair was finally over. He was sure now that Percy understood how Patrick felt about the constant confusion the prefect placed on him. Patrick had believed the boy when he told him he'd stay away and at the time he was happy. Now he was just depressed.

For a moment (standing in that hallway before the Gryffindor common room) he had actually felt as though it could work. As though Percy and Patrick could be a reality rather than the dream Patrick had a culminated in his mind. Of course this had been quickly diminished through the fear in his eyes when he had noticed his sister watching.


About three weeks after the discussion between Percy and Patrick, the situation at Hogwarts plummeted. It all happened one evening while Patrick and Anna were walking back to the common room after dinner.
The voice of professor McGonagall burst through the speakers.

"All students must return to their common rooms, all teachers to the second floor corridor immediately"

Anna and Patrick gave each other a worried look as they hurried as fast as they could back to their common room. Inside of Ravenclaw tower was complete chaos. People all around were talking loudly, asking questions to everyone in hope that someone knew the answer.
Patrick and Anna rushed over to Leo as soon as they entered, he was sitting next to Jeremy Stratton who looked pale and shaken.

"What's going on?" Patrick whispered as he sat in his usual armchair,
"Apparently a students been taken" Jeremy whimpered "into the chamber"
Patrick stared at Anna in shock as she pulled her knees up to her chest,
"Who is it?" She asked in a tentative voice.

"We don't know" Leo admitted "but apparently they're a first year"
"Oh no" Anna cried placing her head in her hands "that's horrible"
"Do you know what happened the first time the chamber of secrets opened?" Jeremy looked up,
"There was a first time?" Patrick asked feeling rather stupid.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now