42. schools of wizardry

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:quadraginta duo:
~schools of wizardry~

:quadraginta duo:~schools of wizardry~

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There was no question that the new defence against the dark arts teacher was a complete lunatic. Mad-eye Moody was an ex auror with a missing leg and magical eye that apparently could see through things (making Patrick rather uncomfortable) he had a gruff voice and greasy hair as he clunked round the classroom. The blonde wished more than ever that Professor Lupin could come back, he was the best teacher they'd ever had after all.

"The unforgivable curses" Moody called out as he reached the front of the classroom,
"Sir they're illegal... use of them-"
"Lands you a sentence Askaban, don't worry Miss Jones I'm well aware, now the ministry think you're too young to see what these curses do but I disagree, can anybody tell me what they are?"

"The imperius curse" called out a brunette Hufflepuff,
"Well done miss Gordon and do you know what that curse does"
"It can control someone, force them to do anything" she shivered,
Professor Moody turned to a jar lying on his desk and pulled out of it a large spider. Patrick felt Anna move back beside him as Moody held the spider in his palm.

"Imperio" the main said sending the spider flying up into the air, it began dancing round the room, tapping its legs and sliding across tables, a few students laughed and Moody looked up gruffly,
"Think it's funny do you?" He yelled, "would you like if I did this to you?" After that the students fell silent and Moody turned to retrieve the next spider from his jar.

"Can anyone name another one?" He called out as the spider trembled in his hand,
"The cruciartus curse" Anna replied confidently from beside Patrick, "causes unimaginable pain" the blonde girl added the last bit in a quieter voice as she realised what Moody was about to do.
"Crucio" Moody called and the spider began to squirm and writhe in pain, it couldn't make any noise but Patrick was sure that if it could it would be screaming.
"Stop it!" One of the Hufflepuff's called out, "stop it"

Moody look up in surprise seeing that he got carried away, he returned the spider to the jar and picked up the third and final creature. Anna stiffened beside Patrick with her eyes glued down to the desk.
"Can anyone name the third unforgivable.... Mr Larson?"
"The... the killing curse" muttered Patrick under his breath,
"What was that?" Enquired Moody.

"The killing curse" Patrick stated loudly causing many students to gasp.
Moody pointed his wand sternly at the spider before muttering the words that made Patrick's stomach turn,
"Avada Kedavra" a flash of green light filled the room causing Patrick and Anna to turn away, when the blondes looked back the spider was lying there, dead.


"He shouldn't be showing students that" Athena Sinistra frowned as she walked with Patrick across the ground, the blonde had been gutted to hear that Athena (the younger of the Sinistra sisters) didn't take NEWT level astronomy. Instead he would be getting her elder sister Aurora ,which although wasn't a bad result was upsetting considering Athena was one of the reasons why he loved to subject so much.

"It was disgusting" Patrick agreed, "he just... killed it"
"Hmm" replied Athena, "yes well Moody was never known for been particularly sane, I knew him when he was a bit younger and even then... well let's just say he hasn't changed much"
"I wish that Lupin was still here, he's the reason I did so well in defence against the dark arts in the first place"
"Yes he is an incredible teacher" Athena agreed, "I tried to convince him to stay but he wouldn't hear it... I heard that you were thinking about becoming a teacher"

"Yeah... care of magical creatures" Patrick nodded keenly, "this school means so much to me... I think it would be nice to come back"
"Well based on your results I don't think there's any doubt whether you're good enough" smiled Athena, "teaching here is almost as good as coming here"
"When did you decide you wanted to teach?"

"My sister got me the job after the end of the first wizarding war... she always wanted to teach"
"Did you always love astronomy?" He asked in interest,
"My sister decided she wanted to teach astronomy very early on, you see I had a brother who loved hearing about the stars and constellations but unfortunately he died... after that Aurora made it her goal to teach the constellations to everyone else"
"I'm sorry" Patrick muttered, "about your brother"

"It's ok" Athena smiled kindly, "it happened a long time ago... though I'm sure he'd be happy that we both ended up teaching astronomy".
As the two of them rounded the corner they saw a large huddle of students crowded around Professor Moody who seemed to be making a white ferret dance through the air.

"What's he doing?" Asked Patrick as Professor Sinistra frowned,
"I think... I think that's a student" she smirked, "gosh I should probably do something about that"
Before she could Professor McGonagall came running in and transfigured the ferret back into a dishevelled looking Draco Malfoy,
"It's fine Professor" laughed Patrick, "he probably deserved that"


"Look there!" Lee Jordan called as the students gathered outside of the castle to see the entrance of the two wizarding schools. All heads turned to the sky, following the pointed finger of Lee. Patrick saw it immediately, what looked like a large mass flying towards the castle like an asteroid.
As Patrick squinted he noticed that it was not an asteroid but a humongous carriage pulled by five of the biggest horses the blonde had ever seen.

The carriage crashed to the floor dramatically as the white palomino horses skidded to a halt. Everyone waited in baited breath as the carriage door opened. A figure stepped out crowned by the moonlight, she was an incredibly tall woman wearing robes of maroon and observing the crowd with her cold stare.
Behind her came the students, all of them were dressed in periwinkle silk robes that flowed beautifully around them. Patrick couldn't help but gawp at their beautiful features, the boys were ethereal (as were the girls but they weren't exactly Patrick's type).

"Beauxbatons" Anna informed Larson, "school from France"
"They're beautiful" Patrick murmured,
"Yeah... they are" Anna agreed,
"Not as beautiful as me of course" Lee nudged Anna's side causing her to laugh,
"Course not"

"The water" a voice called from the front of the crowd, "look at the water"
All eyes turned to see that the usually calm water surface had been disturbed, a ripple began to form before something broke into the air.
"What is it?" Lee muttered as Patrick frowned trying to work out what this was. It looked like a stick slowly becoming larger and larger.

"It's a ship" Anna replied and this much became obvious as the shop started to look more and more like a mast. All of a sudden the ship erupted from the water, it was a huge shadow illuminated by the moon light and it moved slowly to the shore of the lake.
Movement came from below deck until a crowd of figures wearing red coats with fur stormed down towards the castle.

At the head of the bunch stood a tall mean looking man with slick black hair and a styled goatee. He was dressed in warm robes of black and grey showing intertwining patterns of velvet.
All the male and female students had stern expressions and thick boots that could be heard from miles away.

"Durmstrang" Anna said quietly, "they keep the location of their school a secret"
"So no one knows where it is?" Frowned Lee, "that's weird"
"I guess it's similar for every wizarding school" Anna explained, "but Durmstrang is definitely the most secretive"
"I don't like the sound of that" sighed Patrick.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐎 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 // Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now