can not refuse him

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Moaning a bit, tharn peered his eyes up, to take his hands to the persons upper shoulder to then move the opened shirt off. They lifted there head up, to breathe heavily has tharn had his mouth over there nipple, to lick about, the other had two slick fingers moving about.
"Aaaah tharn.....mmm..... That feels so good....."
Moving his mouth away, he brought a hand up, to grip there head, to pull a bit, to move his face over there's, with darting eyes, he closed them to go closer.
"Mmm, type......"
The other, opened there eyes, to sign, moving there hands about, they placed them to tharns chest to push him off, to sit, eyeing.
Tharn to his side, looked over them.
He took a deep breathe, to shake his head.
"I know......I said I could have sex with you while you called me another's name..... But....."
Dursten turned his head to eye tharn.
"I..... Just can't. I'm in the same boat you are, unrequited love with my friend. This...... Is just cruel. Do you even like me?"
Tharn cocked his head to the side, to then turn to eye the wall to shrug.
"Not really, your just a good fuck."
Dursten flexed his jaw, to then turn his head.
"You.... Need to leave. Your such an asshole."
Getting up, tharn leaned up to slap his ass.
They stood to the edge to look back.
"Could I..... At least get a blow job? I came all this way and......"
Dursten furrowed his eye brows.
"You may be a remarkable lay tharn, but you can go to hell!"
Dursten turned to then go, slamming the door.
Tharn took a deep breathe, to then get up to fix his shirt hanging his head.
Didn't even get me hard anyway, last time you only got me semi, wonder if he would think I'm such an asshole if he knew I've put in a good word with his so called unrequited love.
Tharn took a deep breathe in to then leave, heading to the store, he went inside to buy some alcohol so the night wouldn't be a total lost.
Walking, he was glad, dursten didn't live to far from his place, made things a bit easier for him, but he knew after that they wouldn't ever let there frustrations out on the other.
Tharn shrugged at the thought.
Since 19, he only slept with 3 people, well kind of, dursten was that third, none of them got him fully hard, well, except that one, his childhood best friend, but what came about it wasent what tharn was seeking and now a routine had formed, they would only have sex when he was broken up with.
Within 2 months after the big breakup, they had sex 4 times, his friend type would go out with someone, wouldn't last long then he would be at tharns, it was because of that one drunken stupor where tharn couldn't hold back anymore, so he took his chance, however nothing came of it.
He only had sex with dursten (well that's what he thought) 2 month ago, 3 days after what had happened when type had gotten dumped, it was after type and tharn had gotten drunk that day.
He was hoping something would have developed but nothing came to being so tharn used dursten to place his frustrations upon, at that time he was fine with it, but this time he just couldn't go through it.
Walking slowly up his steps, tharn kept his head hung to sign.
Today, sucks a big......
Getting to his door, he lifted his head up a bit, to eye a figure, that was sitting, with there knees to there chest to the side of his door.
Stepping closer, he crouched to tilt his head.
Lifting his head up from his arms that were wrapped about, type had tears coming down his face.
Tharn took a deep breathe in to stand to turn his head to eye the door.
It's..... Going to happen again..... Isn't it.....
"So......I guess you two....."
Type Shook his head.
"Not anymore......prytyo, just dumped me....."
Tharn looked to his keys to jingle.
"Mmm, maybe you.... Should go to your parents, maybe your mother...... Father..... Hell even your younger Sister.... Or brother could help you....."
Types eyes widen.
"Tharn...... How can you be so mean to me......"
He took a very long breathe in to then go to his door to place the key in, type watched.
"If you..... Say it.....I might let you in to share these drinks with me."
Type stood up to keep his eyes to him.
"I'm closer to you, then I am with my family, so please, let me come in."
Tharn smirked to then open the door, to then go in, leaving it opened.
Type turned his head to look.
"Well, are you going to come in?"
Type smiled to do just that.
To the middle of the living room, tharn placed the bag to the table, to grab a bottle out to consume.
Type took his jacket off, to place it over the chair, he eyed tharns back has he turned.
Taking a deep breathe, type went to tharn to wrap his arms about, to place his chin to his shoulder to look to him.
Tharn took a deep breathe has he consumed.
Knew it...... This is the next part..... Sex...... Just that, sex..... That's not the part I'm not wanting, it's what happens after that I don't want.
"Tharn...... Aren't you.... Going to..... Fully take care of me has you have the other times?"
Type then started to slide his hands down, tharn brought the bottle down, his whole body shivered, it only did that with his touch.
He then turned his head to eye, types eyes widen.
"We..... Should take a shower first...."
Need to get that others scent off of me before I engaged in this. I can't deny type, never could, in truth I don't think I want to. It's because I'm so very much in love with my friend and I want to make him feel better.
Type smiled, to then grab his one hand to then pull.
Tharn then placed the bottle down to then go.
In the shower, tharn was to the shower wall, looking down, hands to either shoulder to moan has type was sucking him off, staring directly to him.
"You...... Are the one in pain.... Yet you are doing this for me...."
Type moved his mouth off to lick about his head, consuming his pre cum to then place his whole length back in.
Tharn gritted his teeth to moan and loud.
Bending, he picked type up, to move him to his stomach to the other wall, to move his body to his, placing his massive erection between his cheeks to grind a bit.
Type turned his head to eye tharn.
"You know, I like and prefer to cum filling that condom in that tight little ass type. Let's go to bed."
Type nodded to close his eyes has tharn went to his ear to bite. He knew this was drawing the one thing he didn't want closer however he couldn't hold back anymore.
To the bed, type went first to try and crawl, tharn grabbed him to turn, he then placed his hands to either side of his neck, type wrapped his hands to his wrists. There eyes darted, tharn then looked to his light pink lips.
Moving a bit closer, type placed a hand to his chest. Tharn looked up.
"Remember...... Friends....... Don't kiss..... Only......"
Tharn took a deep breathe, to nod.
"I..... Remember....."
Moving one hand to his waist, he moved his head to go to his neck to kiss. Type lifted his head back to moan.
Pushing him abruptly down, type was on all fours, for tharn to go to his side table, to grab out a condom and lube, hanging his head, he stood to the edge to down.
Type then went to kneel, to turn his head to eye, his erection twitched and throb.
"So.... When will I..... Be able to feel all of you?"
Tharn signed.
"Maybe when you didn't just have another's dick in you type. Need to be carful."
Type gritted his teeth to then turn his head back.
Tharn lathered his cock, to then look over types back.
Taking a deep breathe, tharn got on the bed, to then place his tip to his outter, to then wrap an arm about, to then place another to his neck to turn. The two eyed the other.
"I didn't mean anything bad by it type. We just need to be carful."
Type made a face to nod.
Tharn looked over his sullen face to then go to his ear lobe to nip, he then kept probing his hole.
"Mmm, tell your friend type, how much you want his cock......"
Type closed his eyes to bite into his bottom lip, he then started to move his ass a bit up and down..
"Aaah, I want it..... Want it so bad..... Want it deep inside..... Please tharn..... Make your friend feel better....."
Tharn smirked to thrust himself in.
Types body bucked, eyes opened wide to moan sweetly into the air. Bringing his hands to his arm, he gripped and tight.
"Aaah tharn! Damn it! You feel so...... Incredible......ah fuck me!"
Tharn moved his head back to place his forehead to the back of his.
"Aah...... Anything for you....mmmm..... You feel remarkable inside...... Gonna make me cum!"
Type moved his body with his.
" Here.....oh god! Your so good! So fantastic! Mmm......"
After, an over top round, tharn sat to the wall to look forward with a sunken face, this was the part he despised, it happened the other 4 times, it happened again this time.
Type was to the edge, half dress, to then stand, head hung to place on his shirt.
Tharn peered his eyes to the side.
"Type...... I'm closer to our school then you.... How about you..... Stay?"
Type fixed his shirt, to look forward with widen eyes.
"Um..... Tharn..... You know....."
Tharn signed to look the other way.
"Yeah, I know, friends don't stay, this is just....... Sex..... Nothing more...."
Type made a face to then turn his head to look to tharn.
"Well..... Maybe I could just this...."
Tharn shook his head.
"Has much has I would love to tap that ass again, think we should call it a night. Go type, go home. I'll..... See you tomorrow."
Type took a deep breathe in to turn his head, unaware to tharn this was breaking his heart for reasons only he knew.
"Tharn..... Thank you..... For being a good friend and..... Being there for me..... Really.... Means a lot.... I'll..... See you.... Tomorrow...."
Tharn shrugged.
Type then went forward to leave, tears flowed down his face.
Taking a long deep breathe, tharn got up, to go to the table, to grab his bottle to consume it all.
Lowering it, he looked to it, to then throw it to the back of the door to shatter it.
Lifting his head, he stared to the ceiling in anger.
"God fucking damn it! Why can't I just tell him I fucking love him! That I want to be more then friends! Shit!"
Turning he went to his bed, to lay to his back to place his hand to his eyes.
I hate this..... Fucking despise this......
Wish I took my chance when I got it, now, I'm in this mess! Unrequited love....... It's an asshole!
Still can't believe I've been in love with my best friend type since we were 12. I'm.... Such a coward.......
Turning to his side, tharn went to sleep in anger to then dream of the past.

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