Chapter 21 - The Assault

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I stood up and looked Steven in the eyes with a crazed snarl, blood seeping down the side of my face. It hurt like hell.

"I think you hit me too hard," I scoffed.

Steven lunged at me swinging his pole, he missed several times but managed to beat me up. Steven was in pretty bad shape, he shouldn't have underestimated me. But he was so wrong. I punched him in the head, then grabbed his head by his hair yanking it done while I threw my knee up to hit his face in one swift motion. He coughed up blood as he staggered backwards.

He grabbed my neck, trying to strangle me to death. It was becoming hard to breath. I swung my head forward and struck his face. He let go of me and I quickly backed away. I roundhouse kicked him and he stumbled back into a pile of garbage.

"Hannibal?!" I screamed his name.

    I tried running out of the alleyway but Steven caught up with me. Both of us were not in the best of shape.

"I translated what you said to me in Russian earlier!" He seethed.

"I hope you got the message."

Steven slammed me against the wall and I fell onto the cold stones with a thud. I watched as Steven made his way back over. A broken, glass bottle was on the ground near a trash bag and so I picked it up without him noticing.

"I'm gonna make sure you won't be able to walk tomorrow! Those people should've paid me more for having to kill you!"

Steven got on top of me. People paid him to kill me? This just got a whole lot more interesting. I stabbed the broken bottle into his neck in the blink of an eye. He was shocked from the sudden attack, blood started gushing out and a lot of it got on me.

I pushed him off and he started choking from his own blood. It reminded me of what happened to Will. I forgot that I was still bleeding and became lightheaded. I decided to take the shortcut to get back home. Once I was at the front door I knocked, weakly. Hearing steps from the inside gave me some relief. Hannibal opened the door and his eyes widened in surprise at my condition.

"Hey, Hannibal," I tried to smile through the pain, "how's it going?"

I collapsed into Hannibal's arms, he was quick to hold onto me.

"What happened?" He picked me up, not minding the blood getting onto his clothes. Blood was the least of his worries.

"People paid this man to kill me," I answered.

"I was worried this would happen," Hannibal sighed as he placed me onto the guest room bed, "There is another Cannibal that roams Italy, he's actually from here. He believes I am a threat to him and will attempt to get rid of me."

"Including me..." I groaned in annoyance.

"Yes, unfortunately," Hannibal left to get some medical supplies to clean my wounds.

    I became deep in thought. Now people were after me. Again. Just several weeks ago Bill was finally done, but now more people were after me... and Hannibal! But they wanted both of us dead.

I knew that Hannibal was smart enough not to get himself killed, he was very difficult to kill. But I was just... me. I took down Steven, but that was one guy! And he couldn't even fight properly. And Bill was unstable and too confident in himself, so it wasn't too hard to sneak a knife by him. What if next time it's a whole gang of people? I'd be done for.


Sorry for the short chapter! Working on some new stuff at the same time!

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