Chapter 30 - By his side

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After the hour with Hannibal I had to leave. I left the room but lingered at the front of the glass wall keeping us both apart.

"C'mon, (y/n)." Jack said in impatience.

There were holes in the glass wall, Hannibal locked our hands together.

"Until next time," Hannibal let go.

"Now, (y/n)!" Jake took hold of my arm.

Something inside of me broke, like the glass cage, Jack touching me in a aggressive way did something. I turned around and hit him in the chest causing him to let go and gasp for breath. I had enough of Jack feeling like he could push me around just because he had some sort of power.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted at him in fear and anger.

Nurses came in and I saw a syringe in one of their hands. What did I do wrong? Jack didn't have my consent to touch me. He had the hit coming! They walked over to me and I backed up until I was against the glass wall.

Jack was still gasping for air. Was my punch that powerful? That's what you get. I smirked which was the wrong move. One of the nurses quickly held my down and the other put the syringe to my neck, sedating me. Yippee.

"I g-guess I'll be seeing y-you soon," I looked at Hannibal just before blacking out.


I awoke to that same annoying sound of a heart monitor beeping. I sat up and was about to rip the needles that were in my arm until a familiar voice told me to stop.

"That wouldn't be a smart move."

It was Chilton, I glared at him. He was standing at the door with a scowling look a father would give their child who had done wrong

"I want to see Will." I demanded.

"He left."


"I don't know and I don't care." Chilton stated, "but I would like to know why my patient attack someone?"

"He... he touched me," I muttered.

"I see."

"Take me to Hannibal."

"What?" Chilton looked at me in surprise, "I won't allow it."

"It would be better for my well being." I told him.

He just rolled his eyes and left the room, returning with a nurse who then took out the needles from my arm. Gross. I didn't care that I was wearing a hospital dress, I just walked out of the hospital with Chilton running after me.

"Where is your car?" I asked him.


Chilton pointed to one of the cars as he walked over to it. As soon as he unlocked it I got into the passenger seat and he drove me to Hannibal. Chilton got me through security and all the way to him.

Hannibal looked up and he had pure surprise on his face upon seeing me. I enjoyed that expression, as rare as it was seeing on him since he wasn't often surprised. Security let me into his room and I walked over to Hannibal who was previously sketching landscapes.

"Italy?" I asked while admiring his art work.

"Yes, Florence." He set his pencil to the side and raised an eyebrow at my outfit.

"I came straight over here." I explained, "and I'm staying over."

"I'm glad to hear that."


Thx for reading ❤️

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