Chapter 28 - Burned

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"What?" I broke my calm demeanor and looked at Mason in disgust. The fuck he wants? Oddest question I've ever been asked.

"Never mind," He said and returned his attention back to the two men. The baldy-chef guy left, cupping his bleeding cheek. Serves him right.

   Dinner was done and it was time for the next horror. I was wheeled into this strange looking room with what seemed to look like small pig stalls. I was brought into one of them and hung onto a medal pole that was hovering over me. The bald chef guy stripped me of my shirt.

"I hope you understand that this is nothing personal," The man calmly said.

"Personal or business, I don't think it really matters," I sneered.

    The man turned away from me and got out a medal stamping pole-thingy. My heart raced. He was going to burn my skin, no doubt. Brand me like some kind of fucking animal.

   As soon as the burning medal hit my skin I let out a scream of pain before then becoming quiet, trying to brave the pain. I bit my tongue, holding back the tears as best I could.

"Tell me, do you cook the same things as Hannibal?" I asked him, trying to ignore the pain by focusing on something else.

"In a way," He splashed cold water on the burn which relieved some of the pain, "If you mean using human meat instead of animal meat."

"How would you do me?" I was a little curious, but also wanted to get on his good side, perhaps I could manipulate him to help me later.

"I'm sure I could find some delicate..." he traced his fingers down your bare back and you shivered, "...dishes to serve you as."

Pervert. I would hurt him gruesomely if it weren't for the predicament I was in.

"Now, I'm transferring you to a room because Mason wants to wait a little longer for you," The man said.

    I was removed from the area and wheeled into a sophisticated looking room. Then I was locked in the bedroom, noticing that the windows were chained shut. All I could really do was sit tight and wait. The door was too thick for me to break this time.

   I entered the bathroom and fixed myself up, cleaning off most of the blood. I pulled up my shirt and stared at the burn. There was still a faint feeling of the skin there stinging and burning.

    I left the bathroom and sat on the bed in silence until I heard footsteps and a tapping sound coming to my door. My heart begun to race but I calmed down upon seeing that Alana Bloom had entered. The tapping sound was coming from her cane, since when did she use a cane?

"Alana?!" I was down right surprised, why would she be in this mansion?

"Yes, (y/n). But keep your voice down." She said, "Escape now."

"What?" I widened my eyes, "but what about Hannibal? And Will!"

    She took notice that I said Hannibal first but didn't want to address me about it. I could tell I had said something wrong and stopped any further comments.

"Leave that to me." She wasn't her usual friendly self to me, now she was calm and serious. Things have definitely change since I've been gone.

"Where are we?"

   I realized I never asked where Mason's mansion was located, yet assumed I was in Virginia when I saw Alana.

"Virginia." She left the room and I started my escape.

    I walked own the halls and noticed that everything was extremely quiet which was eerily scary. I was ready for someone to pop out and scare me.

  Turning a corner, I almost stepped on someone who was lying on the floor. They were dead. Blood pooled around them. I knew this was Hannibal's doing, which meant he escaped. I followed the drops of blood that trailed away from the dead body.

   It led me to outside. I trusted Hannibal that he was strong enough on his own. He probably already left, he probably even planned this out to happened. In addition to that he quite possibly knew that Alana would free me. He was so smart it was scary.

    I ran as quickly as I could, Hannibal's old house would not be an ideal place to go. I decided on Will's house, thinking that Hannibal would most likely go there.

    It was quite a long distance. I kept running. Eventually I found his small house and cautiously made my way over. The door to his house opened and I froze, out walked a tall man. The man turned his head to me and I saw who it was.

   As I ran to the house Hannibal came forward to me with a smile, he looked a bit bloody but I didn't mind. We both embraced eachother and Hannibal chuckled.

"I was a little worried that you wouldn't make it out." He let go of me and took my hand in his, waking to Will's house.

"Then why did you leave me?" I asked.

"I saw Bloom heading your way."

    Once inside, Hannibal fetched me a blanket and some warm tea. He sat by my side, Will was asleep in his bed. He looked like an absolute wreck.

"They burned me," I whispered to him so I wouldn't wake Will up.

    Hannibal's brows knitted in concern. I pulled the back of my shirt up, revealing the branded skin. Hannibal lightly traced the burn with his fingers.

"Identical to mine." He signed, he didn't think they'd do that to me.

    I pulled down my shirt and snuggled against Hannibal. We were quite tired from all of our running. Hannibal wrapped his arms around my body and I soon fell asleep.


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