Chapter 37 - Think like a Psycho

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A/N I'm going to go by my own plot now cuz it took awhile to watch the episode and then weave in the reader. So just pretend they caught the Red Dragon and Hannibal is still in the cell.


      The Red Dragon was arrested. But now there was a new psycho on the loose. The FBI gave him the name Dolly because he would kidnap girls and mold them into his idea of a porcelain doll. The victims were found in random places around Virginia, but the victims were stripped of feeling, free will and emotion... pretty much zombies.

It didn't worry me that much because I didn't consider myself pretty or doll like. Will accompanied me almost everywhere I went because of the Dolly person. And though I appreciated the gesture, it was starting to get annoying.

  Will brought me to see Hannibal but once I stepped into the faculty... everything felt off. All the workers were tense and almost looked afraid. What was wrong? As soon as I walked into the room where Hannibal's cell was, I realized why everybody was acting strange.

Hannibal was gone.

  One of the workers passed by and Will asked him where Hannibal was. The words she spoke out of her mouth were crazy but wonderful.

"That bastard escaped his cell last night!" She groaned in frustration, "I believe he left a letter for the woman."

    I didn't even care that she called Hannibal a bastard, I was just glad he was out of that confinement. I was then allowed to go in the cell and pick up a letter on his desk, the one he supposedly left for me. Hannibal's perfect writing covering the page. I didn't read it out loud, but it said;

My dear (y/n),
For so long I've been wanting to break from this glass cage and be with you. But alas, it might be a bit before we can both escape from the states. In the meantime I'll be preparing for our departure and watching over you.

~H. Lecter

I smiled at the letter before tucking it into my pocket. I left the place with Will, hiding the smile that was threatening to appear on my face. During the car drive, to go get groceries, Will and I talked about Dolly.

"I'm surprised he's not a serial killer." I told him, "does he rape the girls too?"

"No, he wants them to be pure and untouched." Will explained, "and so he picks young virgins."

We both arrived at the grocery store and roamed the aisles for any necessities. Finding what we needed, we made our way to the front of the store to checkout. A man with a crooked grin was staring at me. I thought nothing of it until the stare persisted for another minute.

   I nudged Will and signed to him that someone was staring at me. After everything that went on, my kidnappings and such, Will and I decided to learn sign language so that we could communicate quietly. This especially helped when we both were at different ends of a room.

The man was still staring at me with that grin. I started doing this thing where I would label someone, this man I immediately labeled as suspicious. The creepy man took out his phone and pretended to just text or do something else, but he was actually taking pictures of me. I was oblivious to that part.

Leaving the grocery store and heading back home was a relief! Would that relief stay for long? Probably not. You might be wondering what happened to my old friend Grace, well, she died...

   Just kidding! She is living with a loving foster family in South Carolina. She sends me letters every once in a while which adds on to the highlights of my week.


    Will was on a case while I left to roam the small town near his house. Posters of missing girls were stapled to multiple walls and polls. I knew that all these girls had fallen victim to this Dolly man. Perhaps I could try to solve the case as well! Try to think like Will. Would Hannibal disapprove? Maybe, but I was bored and needed something to do.

    If I were some psycho who liked young girls and would turn them into dolls, where would I find my next victim? I passed a toy store and eyed the array of colorful toys behind the glass wall. Then it hit me, wouldn't he go to where the real dolls were? It felt like a long shot but I decided to go with it.

   I walked into the store and saw that not many people occupied it. I skimmed the rows of aisles for the dolls and finally found it near the back. The cashier wouldn't be able to see what was going on if the Dolly guy kidnapped someone here. But where would he take them? I scanned the area and saw a door to the left where the doll section ended.

  Perhaps he lured the girls to that side and then took them out the back door? I pulled my phone out, wanting to tell Will where I was so that if something happened he would know.

"Hello?" Will answered the phone.

"Just so you know where I am... I'm at this toy store in town, probably the only one around. I'm going to try and get myself noticed by the Dolly guy so that I can figure out what he's doing." I whispered the last part as I told him everything in one breath.

"You know what happened last time you got kidnapped, right?" I could hear Will deeply sighing over the phone.

"Yes, and I escaped didn't I?" I exclaimed, "I can handle things on my own. Goodbye~"

   I hung up before Will could say anything. After that I texted him the address and tucked my phone away in my pocket.

  I lingered around the dolls, picking one up once in awhile to examine it. I was hoping that Dolly would show up. The only problem was that I didn't know what he looked like.


𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝙸 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔?

Thanks for reading!

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