Chapter 25 - Hello, Jack.

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"Yes," I answered him.

"And what is that?" He cocked his head.

"He's actually my adoptive father," I confessed.

    He was too easy to manipulate. Leonardo punched me right on the jaw. That hurt like hell.

"That's not the kind of information I want!" He yelled, "tell me something that he doesn't want anybody knowing!"

"I don't know. He doesn't tell me anything." I lied.

   Leonardo pulled out a rag and put it to my face. I slowly became unconscious yet again. Watching as Leonardo left the plain room and two men walked towards me.


   This time when I woke up, I was in a vintage looking room. Two men were at my sides and I could sense a presence behind me.

"Any moment now your father will come in and get himself killed," Leonardo leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"And any moment now you will all die a gruesome death," I groggily shrugged.

    My threat got me a punch in the gut by one of the two men at my sides. I gasped in pain, getting the wind knocked out of me did not feel good. If I wasn't tied down to a chair I would've surely doubled down.

The two men at my sides fell to the ground unconscious. Leonardo backed away quickly, I knew this was Hannibal's doing.

"You have taken what is mine, Leonardo," Hannibal's voice echoed throughout the room, concealing where he actually was, "and you know that I'm rather possessive of what's mine."

"Are you too much of a coward to face me, Hannibal?!" Leonardo was nervous, it was obvious when he shouted, "men, find him!"

"I wouldn't bother doing that. They're all dead. I was hoping you would live up to your name, Leonardo. You've let me down and taken my love."

Leonardo was now in front of me with a knife the neck. He was trembling which made me feel better. Not that the knife against my neck made matters better, though.

"Give your life up and she won't die!" Leonardo shouted.

Hannibal was creeping up behind Leonardo, I kept my gaze on Leonardo so that he wouldn't know what was about to happen. Hannibal stabbed Leonardo's leg with a knife and he fell to the floor, writhing in pain and agonized screams. Hannibal untied me and then kissed me passionately. Leonardo looked to us both in disgust while gritting his teeth.

"Why the hell would you kiss your daughter?!"

    We both laughed and Hannibal finished off Leonardo with a slice down the stomach, his guts spilling out and blood pooling around him.

    Hannibal picked me up bridal style and we both left the room.


    A few days later.

   Hannibal was dealing with a man who was trying to bring him down. I was staying at a museum sketching while Hannibal dealt with the man. The last I saw of the Italian man was him duct taped and wheeled out of the room on a box mover.

  The museum was really quiet and that made me slightly nervous. I heard quiet footsteps and I knew they didn't belong to Hannibal. This person was being stealthy. I hid inside a four by five foot crate and pushed myself all the way into the back. Hidden by the darkness I listened carefully.

I calmly breathed. Luckily, I was in a darker part of the museum and so the crate was pitch black if anybody were to look inside of it they wouldn't see me. I saw a man, a bit far away, walk by the crate I was in, and my heart skipped a beat in shock. It was Jack Crawford.

He looked really pissed off. He would surely kill Hannibal upon finding him. I couldn't warn him at the moment or try to take down Jack. I just had to sit and wait to see what would happen. Jack was now out of my sight and probably hid upon hearing someone else's footsteps. Hannibal slowly walked into the area with caution.

Hannibal started speaking to Jack. Saying some things about his wife. Hannibal was in my eyesight now which gave me some relief, but he couldn't see me and he was secretly worried. As soon as I saw Jack behind Hannibal I let out an ear piercing scream to alert Hannibal of the threat. It worked. But Jack and Hannibal began fighting.

Jack kicked Hannibal into a large, glass box that was covering an artifact and the glass shattered into a million pieces. I ran out from my hiding place, grabbed a vase, and smashed it on Jack's head. He spun around and was about to throw a punch until he saw who I was.

"(Y/n)?!" He looked at me in disbelief, "we all thought you were dead!"

"Who did? Did Will?" I scoffed. Doubting that Will thought I was dead, he actually was intelligent... unlike Jack at times.

Jack was dumbstruck but then I gave him a kick to the knees which sent him to the ground. Hannibal was staggering as he got up. Jack grabbed my ankles and caused me to fall to the hard ground, hitting my head.

Jack put his focus back onto Hannibal and they fought, mostly Jack who was beating Hannibal to death. Jack assumed that Hannibal was forcing me to be with him. My head hurt like hell but I got up anyway, making it over to the pair of men. I took hold of a small knife and walked behind Jack who was oblivious.

Hannibal was crawling away from Jack and I had just enough time to get Jack to face me before I stabbed his stomach with a small knife and he gasped in pain. I was quite lightheaded from the impact to my head I got earlier.

"I r-really didn't want to do this but you've given me n-no choice," Jack was panting.

He pulled out the knife from his stomach and stabbed my side with it, making sure to slice the knife down a little. I gasped in extreme pain. Hannibal was out of sight which was good, I gave him more time. Jack looked apologetic as he left me to cry in overwhelming agony.

I fell to the floor and cried in pain. Seeing a rag near me, I grabbed it, and then tied it around my torso, covering the knife wound. I left the knife in because more blood would spill if I pulled it out. I stood up weakly and stumbled as I left the museum. Hoping that Hannibal escaped. Once I was out of the building I sat myself in an alleyway to rest for a few minutes.


I'm not the best at putting things in chronical order, sorry 😢

Thx for reading!!!! ❤️ 🐸

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