Chapter 19 - Leave

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    Hannibal opened the door revealing a woman with blonde hair. She and Hannibal spoke a bit in a quiet tone before she left. Hannibal walked over to me and sighed.

"We need to leave."

"What? Leave?" I followed him upstairs as he went into his room and pulled out two large suitcases from his closet, "who was that woman?"

"She was my old psychiatrist," Hannibal was now packing things into the suitcases.

"Where are we leaving to?"


"What?!" I exclaimed.

"It's not safe for us here anymore, I would like you to come with me," Hannibal finished packing the suitcases and walked towards you.

"Tomorrow night is when we leave."

    I nodded. Did I even want to leave? Now I just had to wait until tomorrow night.


  Tonight was the night. I was upstairs reading a book while Hannibal was downstairs making dinner. I offered to help but he said he would do it alone tonight. That was strange, he usually would let me help him.

    I was in the middle of reading my book when I stopped upon hearing a commotion downstairs. I slid my bookmark in the book and quietly left the room. I was about to walk down the hall when someone suddenly touched my shoulder. I spun around and saw a young girl in front of me. I didn't scream but I did back up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," The girl sounded very nervous.


"I'm Abigail."

"Abigail Hobbs?!"

Abigail shushed me.

"Yes! Don't go downstairs." She told me.

"What? I'm going downstairs!" I began to walk down the hall, "I need to see what's going on!"

    Abigail grabbed me and shoved me into a closet, locking it.

"Hey?!" I shouted while pounding the door.

    The closet was a little small and banging on the door caused items from the shelves to fall. Several cleaning supplies landed on my head and a medal pole jabbed my arm. I slid down onto the cold floor, feeling defeated.

   Wasn't Abigail dead? How is she still alive? I was too deep in thought to hear footsteps descending the hall. The next thing I hear is a door slam and then glass shatter.

What the hell is going on?!

    I needed to find a way to get out of the closet. I moved my hands all over the shelves until my hand touched something cold and medal. I picked it up and realized it was a pistol. Grinning in victory, I cocked the gun and then shot the door where the lock was. Wood shards fell to the floor and the door was now ajar.

   I quickly left the closet and made my way down the hall. As soon as I heard footsteps approaching, I entered a room to hide. The footsteps were gone and I now hurried down the stairs to find out what was going on. Hearing two people talking as I neared the kitchen.

   The first thing I saw when I came closer to the kitchen was the blood. And Lots of it. I was now in the kitchen, gasping at the sight before me. Will and Abigail were on the floor bleeding... blood gushing from there necks.

"Will?!" I was about to go to Will's side until Hannibal wrapped his arms around me.

"We need to leave," He whispered in my ear, his voice sounding stern and commanding as if he wasn't giving me a choice.

"Run, (y/n)," Will choked out, gasping for breath.

   I stood frozen in shock.

"Hannibal," I tried to leave his hold, "we need to save them. Why aren't you doing anything?"

"It's too late now."

They were dying. Coated in blood. I knew little of Abigail but Will was like a brother to me.

"No it's not!" I protested as I pushed Hannibal off and went to his side, pressing my hands around his neck to stop the bleeding, "we can still help him!"

I felt helpless, Hannibal not aiding me was making things worse.

"Help me Hannibal!" Tears streamed down my face at the thought of losing Will, my hands coated in blood and clothes stained.

Hannibal didn't have time for this, he picked me up and took me out to an unfamiliar car that was parked outside of his house. I struggled to free myself and return to Will but he was stronger than he looked. He ignored my screams of protest.

     Alana was on the floor with glass all around her, she was staring at the rain, almost lifeless as she was panting. She had been shoved off the second floor by Abigail and fell to the ground. It was now pouring rain, hiding the tears that were coming down.

    Hannibal set me in the backseat of the car and handed me a towel. He got into the drivers seat and then drove off. I watched as Hannibal's house kept getting smaller from the distance, and then it was gone. I did try to open the door but he put it on child lock.

   We both were leaving Virginia, leaving very far away...


I'm not good with making sure things are chronologically accurate, I finished Hannibal season 1 a few months ago and so the memory of it isn't the best.

Thx for reading!

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