Chapter 27 - Mason Verger

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    I was trying to break down the door, but to no avail it wouldn't budge. I was locked in here and Hannibal was probably cutting into Will's head by now. I scanned the room for anything to break down the door.

The sound of buzzing and someone screaming no made me freeze in spot. Then I started slamming my body on the door. Grabbing a small drawer, I threw it at the door continuously until the door started to crack. One last throw and the door cracked opened. I heard the voices of more people as I left the room. Not caring, I ran into the room Hannibal was in, shouting to stop.

I entered the room and all attention was turned on me. Jack was forcefully seated at the table along with Will who was bleeding from his head. Several men had guns pointed at Hannibal. I stood in shock. the FBI?

"They'll pay more for all three of them," A man said in a thick Italian accent. They were definitely NOT the FBI.

   Before I could react, they knocked Hannibal out and put black bags over their heads. A bag was pulled over my head and everything went black as someone bashed my head.


As soon as I woke up I felt a really weird rush of serotonin, almost giddy. I was hanging upside down from something. My hands were tied together. I looked to the side and saw Hannibal and Will hanging next to me. They were awake, Will's blood was dripping onto the floor. A disfigured man in some sort of wheelchair was in front of us, he came close to Hannibal and slid a knife into his back. I looked away.

"A bit lean," The man said while examining the half bloodied knife.

    They unhooked us from the ceiling and strapped us to things that looked like box movers. What happened next was strange, I was put into new clothes and wheeled into a dining room. The disfigured man was seated at the end. Will was across from me and Hannibal was sat at the other end. It looked oddly normal.

The disfigured man started talking but I ignored him, completely dazed. I was in deep thought. Hannibal and I were supposed to leave Italy. Guess that's not going to happen anytime soon. Where even was I? How long was I knocked out for? I pretended to be in a daze so that the man wouldn't speak to me, like I still had drugs in my system wearing off. I heard that his name was Mason and that Hannibal got him to eat his own face in the past. It was revolting to listen to.

An almost bald man with a chef apron came to Will's side to set down a dish. In a flash, Will bit off the man's cheek and spit it out. I snickered in amusement and Hannibal smirked at the scene before him.

Will now had blood on his face, from his lips down. Will had an emotionless expression, perhaps the drug Hannibal injected into him hadn't worn off completely yet, or perhaps Will was just putting on a façade. To be honest, we were all putting on a facade. Hannibal was the best at it.

    There was food laid out on the table and I let my eyes wander. I wasn't hungry, just skeptical. I looked at Will, he had a patch on his head to stop him from bleeding, that bleeding was because of Hannibal. Hannibal almost killed him... or almost opened his head up.

I kept my emotionless demeanor. Not wanting to draw attention to myself until Mason asked me a question.

"Do you have a viable uterus?"


No, Mason, stfu
Shorter chapter because I'm catching up on Hannibal season 3!

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