Chapter 31 - Home

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I stayed over with Hannibal after much convincing. I was lying in Hannibal's single size bed, me pressed against his body and his arms wrapped around me, rubbing my back.

"I'm slightly worried that you may have some form of PTSD." Hannibal whispered to me, "not triggered by me of course. But when Jack touched you."

"Can you teach me to fight?" I asked him.

"Of cousre. We can start tomorrow morning."


    As I woke up I saw Hannibal sketching something at his desk. I got off of the small bed and made my way over to him. He was drawing me while I was sleeping. It felt like something out of Titanic, except I wasn't naked nor did I plan on doing any naked art stuff.

"Impressive," I complimented.

"Yes, she is," Hannibal said with a smirk, "are you ready to start?"


    Hannibal first taught me some basics, like stances and positions, how to throw a punch and so on. I trained with him for nearly two hours before I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I stopped training, Hannibal did as well.

   Hannibal walked over to the glass wall with his hands behind his back. I sat on the bed and watched as the person, Will, walked over. Tensions high. He was not happy that I was in here with him but he had more important matters to discuss then that.

"Hello, Hannibal."

"Hello, Will." A small grin formed upon Hannibal's lips.

"I'd like to speak with you... alone."

   I nodded in understanding and left the glass cage. The glass door locked behind me and I gave Will a weak smile before leaving. He was confused by my hospital attire. I walked out of the building and sat on a bench nearby.

A red haired lady walked over to me and I internally groaned. Freddie Lounds. If she wasn't careful she would probably end up like one of the victims she post about with all the sleuthing she does.

"Why in the world would you be here? Perhaps hoping to elope with Dr. Lecter?" She said in an annoying tone, "Wouldn't that make for an interesting article."

In American sign language I signed: go fuck yourself. I gave her a sly smirk and she frowned.

"I know you're not deaf." She narrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you want?"

"I want information, of course!" Freddie grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

    Will walked outside to me, perfect timing. I immediately stood up and walked to him, not wanting to be near Freddie for any longer, she was an absolute pain in the ass.

"Let's go home." He said.

    Home... I guess so. I've been moved around a lot. Lived in Will's house, then Hannibal's, then Florence, and then Will's new house.

   We both walked to his car and drove home, leaving Freddie with absolutely no information, to my luck. She'd have to go bother someone else.

"Was she annoying you?"

"When is she not annoying?" I smiled.

    Will softly laughed and we soon arrived at the cabin. Snow coated everything. Dogs rushed out from around the house, barking and wagging their tails at the sight of the familiar people.

As soon as I left the car I was overwhelmed by numerous dogs, soon I was knocked to the ground. A fluffy dog pile.

"Will! Help me!" I laughed.

The dogs were licking my face and snuggling next to me. Will just laughed at my defenseless state. Some help he was. I just had some self defense training with Hannibal this morning, surely I was able to withstand a dog pile.

Will called the dogs over and most of them left me. I was able to stand up now and so walked to the house. A few dogs trailing behind me.

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