Chapter 6 - Dr. Chilton

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      I slid my phone into my pocket and began to walk to the door where Hannibal was conversing with someone.  Hannibal was annoyed and trying to quickly end the conversation. The man looked to be in his forties, he was wearing a suit and held a cane in his hand.

"And who is this lovely creature?" The man gazed at me.

"(y/n)," I said, dryly.

  The man held my hand and kissed it, I cringed at the gesture. He let go and I put my hands behind my back while holding my coat. Hannibal could see that I was uncomfortable.

"Dr. Chilton," He introduced himself, "But you, my dear, may call me Fredrick."

"(Y/n) is my patient," Hannibal glared at Dr. Chilton.

"Thank you for having me over, Hannibal," I said as I started walking away.

Hannibal nodded to me while Dr. Chilton gave me a curious look. This guy was getting on me nerves.

"Isn't this your fourth session?" Dr. Chilton asked me while grinning.

"Fifth..." I narrowed my eyes at him, not sure what he was getting at. And how did he almost know how many sessions I had? Creep.

"And you both are already on a first name basis," Dr. Chilton turned his head to Hannibal, "Quite unprofessional of you, Dr. Lecter."

I rolled my eyes. I started walking away, but as soon as I was a few feet gone I heard Dr. Chilton say Will's name.

"I need to discuss some things with Will, I'm going over to his house right after this. I believe if I meet him where he's at he might be a little more understanding."

I immediately sped out of the building. I could hear footsteps behind me. Will's car wasn't here. I fumbled for my phone. I pulled it out and saw that he sent me a text saying he was at a crime scene and couldn't pick me up. Not cool Will. Not cool.

"(Y/n)?" Someone said behind me. I jumped in surprise, making the person chuckle lightly. It was Dr. Chilton.

"Yes?" I turned to him and offered a fake smile. I really didn't want to talk with him.

"Who are you waiting for?" He asked.

"I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up." I lied, I took out my phone again and decided to see if Alana could drive me. It went straight to voicemail. Damnit.

"It would be rude of me not to offer you a ride," Chilton said as he walked over to his car, I was standing close to, "Where are you heading?"

"Will's house," I blurted, mentally facepalming and wishing I didn't speak.

"I'm heading there right now," Dr. Chilton grinned, "I wasn't aware that you lived with him."

Chilton opened the passenger door and I hesitantly entered. A few minutes into the silent car ride, Chilton started up a conversation.

"How are you related to Will?"

"I do not see how that is any of your concern." I told him calmly.

"I was only curious."

"If you must know then he is my older brother." I lied.

"I didn't know he had a sibling."

"There is a lot you don't know about him and me."

I stared at the road ahead, wishing the trip would end quicker.

"What do you do, Dr. Chilton, if I may ask?"

"I'm a psychiatrist," He said, which caught me by surprise.

The rest of the trip was in silence. We finally reached the house. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and left the car. Chilton followed me into the house and stood in the middle of the room. The dogs were all surrounding me, protecting me in a way from the strange man. To my luck, I could hear a car pull up. Knowing that it was Will I walked over to the door to open it.

"Dr. Chilton," Was all I could whisper to Will before Chilton got closer to us. Will quickly understood and walked inside the house with an intimidating look. This was gonna be good. The dogs swarmed around him and I. A few of them were barking at Chilton.

"What do you want?" Will asked the man sternly, he was clearly annoyed.

"I've only come to see if you would take up my offer?" Dr. Chilton smirked.

"Get out," Will snarled at the man.

   Chilton's expression stayed the same... smug. He slowly walked out of the house but still said goodbye to me in a flirtatious way. As soon as I heard his car leave, I sat down on the couch.

"That man is disgusting."

  Will sat on a chair near the kitchen and groaned while rubbing his face. He looked irritated for some reason.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is his offer?" I sat on the floor to sit with the dogs.


Thx for reading my froggies 🐸
See you next week! ❤️

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