Chapter 7 - He Found You

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I asked Will Graham what Dr. Chilton's offer was.

"He wants to become my psychiatrist," He said with irritation, "Pick at my brain like I'm some experiment to toy with."

"Isn't... Dr. Lecter already your psychiatrist?"

"Yes," Will answered, "Dr. Chilton just wants me to be his lab rat of some sort."

I understood what he meant and nodded. Suddenly the dogs started barking wildly which scared me to death. We both walked over to the window to see who was outside and I saw an infamous face staring at us through the window. Bill fuckin' Jones. I looked at Will in fear, backing away from the window. Will let the dogs loose to scare off the man and he bolted. My heart was pounding and then soon the dogs slowly stopped barking and returned to the house. Will was surprised at my sudden behavior. I had forgotten that he didn't know of Bill.

"He found me... he found me..." I muttered as I hugged one of the dogs and began to silently cry.

Will walked over to me slowly, sat on the floor and pulled me into a comforting hug.

"What's wrong?" Will asked in a quiet voice, "Who found you?"

"Bill. Bill Jones..." my breathing hitched.

This new piece of information shocked Will. He rubbed my back and was contemplating on what to do about this.

"Do you want me to call Jack?" He asked.

You didn't know who 'Jack' was but nodded anyway.

"Jack works for the FBI," Will said, reassuring me, "He can help."

After he called the man, Hannibal soon heard what happened and came over to Will's house. Jack was asking me questions just as Hannibal walked inside. I was now sitting on the couch. Hannibal got near me but stopped when a large, black dog beside me started growling at him.

 Hannibal got near me but stopped when a large, black dog beside me started growling at him

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   I pet the dog to calm him down, but he continued to growl at him. The dog stopped but laid its head on my lap in a protective manner.

"Even if your kidnapper finds you, he will fall prey to these animals," Hannibal said, trying to reassure me. But to his dismay it didn't work.

Why is he growling at him?

  Jack suggested to Will that I should live in a safer house until Bill was found. Of course, Hannibal volunteered. Will protested but soon gave in when Jack agreed with Hannibal. Will went with me to pack the few items I had into a backpack. He handed me a phone, looking at you with much concern and seriousness.

"If you ever need me, please call," He said before he tucked the phone into the backpack, he handed me pepper spray and I gave him an odd look, "just in case."

   I gave Will one last hug before I departed with Hannibal. In Hannibal's car, he wanted to discuss with me for a bit on what happened at Will's house.

"What did you feel when you knew he was there?" Hannibal asked me.

Great. Free car therapy.

"I was frightened. I was afraid that he would take me away again..." I didn't want to start crying and so I changed the subject of the conversation, "Where are we going?"

"My house."

"And you believe that's the safest area?"

"I believe so," Hannibal smiled, "Remember the guy who attacked us? You and I defeated him, didn't we?"

"How I remember it was that he was choking you and I had to save your ass," I joked and Hannibal chuckled.

  A question I was wanting to ask for a while resurfaced; "How do you know self-defense or whatever ninja shit you did back there?"

"It has proven useful in my life," He answered me, "I started learning when I was younger."

"Interesting," I say out loud to myself.

  We arrived at a nice looking house which I could only assume was Hannibal's.

"That's quite a lovely house you have," I complimented Hannibal as you both got out of the car.

"Thank you," He said as he walked up to the front door of the house.

   He opened the door for me, and I walked inside, out of the winter air. He took my coat off and hung it on a coat rack. I thanked him, following him further into the house. He led me upstairs and across a hall until he stopped at a detailed door, he opened the door and revealed to me a sophisticated looking guest bedroom.

 He led me upstairs and across a hall until he stopped at a detailed door, he opened the door and revealed to me a sophisticated looking guest bedroom

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I stared at the room in awe. It was a nice, contemporary bedroom. I loved how the shades of purple went well with the silver and white.

"This is where you'll be staying for the moment," Hannibal gestured for me to enter the room and I smiled, setting down my backpack in the corner of the room. I took in my surroundings better. I checked out the bathroom and it looked just as nice as the bedroom. I felt spoiled.

"I'm going to start making dinner," Hannibal told me, "You get settled into your room and I'll call you down when I'm done

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"I'm going to start making dinner," Hannibal told me, "You get settled into your room and I'll call you down when I'm done."

"I can make dinner, it's the least I can do for you taking me in," I offered, feeling like a burden now.

"It's quite alright, (Y/N)," Hannibal softly smiled, "You may help me with dishes afterwards, though."

  I nodded and thanked him as he left. Usually, I was the one who had to make dinner, it was odd being on the receiving end. But at least being able to help with dishes put me at ease, I think Hannibal could see that. Hence why he let me have some control. I quickly put my things in a few of the drawers. I barely had any belongings, so most of the drawers were empty. Around thirty minutes went by until he called me down.


I don't usually put a lot of pictures in chapters, but I felt like it would be better to SEE the bedroom instead of EXPLAIN what the bedroom looked like 👍
Thanks for reading, my cute froggies 🐸
Until next time.......

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