Chapter 32 - The Museum Trip

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   Will told me about a case he was working on, which surprised me because for awhile he stopped associating with the FBI. Whenever Jack would pay Will a visit I never went near him, I despised Jack after all he did!

   The case Will was working on was about a boy named the tooth fairy, he sounded quite creepy. I just assumed he was some psycho who did something weird with teeth... like steal all their teeth or something. But it wasn't like that. Will let me see the crime scene photos, since he knew I could stomach that kind of stuff, and it wasn't at all like I had thought.

I laid in bed, deep in thought. Will told me this guy targeted perfect families. Would the killer think my family was perfect? We all were far from perfect. No one's perfect. I soon fell asleep and awoke to someone knocking on my bedroom door. The sunlight streamed into the room, blinding me.

"Yes?" I said while I got out of bed.

"We're going to the museum today," It was Will, "Get dressed."

I could hear Will walk away from my door. So then I quickly got dressed and left my room. I found Will waiting in the car outside. I got into the passenger side and Will drove off.

"I didn't think it was open on Tuesdays."

"It's not." Will told me.

So then why would we go to a closed museum? I assumed that he was taking me to one of his cases yet again. Perhaps it was a new killer on the loose, the alt wing amount of killers was odd.

  After a bit of driving you both arrived at the museum. Upon getting inside Will looked very anxious. A man was to escort you both to see a piece of art.

"You guys are the second people who want to see it today," The man said as we were both guided to the elevator.

Will gave me a look of concern. I was starting to get worried too. The elevator stopped and we all walked out. The escort was calling a woman's name but no one came out. Will stopped moving and cautiously peered inside the elevator. The door was about to close but he put his arm in the middle and it opened. I stood still, not knowing what to do.

I couldn't see into the elevator but I could sense something was wrong. I took a step forward and saw a man in the elevator. He grabbed Will and slammed him against the elevator then threw him out. Will scrambled to get up and I ran to the elevator.

  The man was trying to escape but I wouldn't let him. The man grabbed my arm and dragged me into the elevator. That was not how I planned this to go. I had underestimated his strengh. A couple lunches were thrown but he seemed unfazed by them.

  Somehow I was able to scratch his face as he fought back, which angered him. He slammed me against one of the walls and I crumbled to the floor. He was impressively strong which was scary.

The man placed a foot on my back so I couldn't move and the elevator door closed, I saw Will running towards me just before it closed. Now I was trapped with this stranger. I was able to get out from under his foot and tried attacking him.

  I did what Hannibal taught me and it did well for a bit until the man started becoming more furious. He growled at me and lunged, knocking me into the side of the elevator, my head making contact with the hard wall. I felt dizzy and nauseous. At any moment I would probably collapse.

I tried to take him on once more, but one swift punched to the gut from him and I was back on the floor, this time gasping for air. The last thing I saw was the man hovering over me and the sound of the elevator stopping.

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