Chapter 9 - Kidnapped

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I awoke to find myself wrapped in Hannibal's arms, but I was now facing him. Hannibal woke up a few minutes later, he looked into my eyes and smiled.

"Sleep well?"

"Quite well," I responded.

Hannibal sat up and then got out of the bed.

"Will is coming over today," Hannibal said as he picked some clothes from the closet and walked into the bathroom to change. Aw man, do it out here-

"Shouldn't we tell the police about the picture?" I asked.

"We'll give Jack the picture for investigation later."

I turned to see Hannibal in a three-piece suit. Then I groggily got out of bed and walked to my room to get clothes. Once I got clothes and changed Hannibal lightly knocked on the door. I told him to enter, and he did.

  "I need to go to my office today to meet with a few patients," Hannibal said while walking over to me, "Will you be fine here for a few hours?"

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  "I need to go to my office today to meet with a few patients," Hannibal said while walking over to me, "Will you be fine here for a few hours?"

   I nodded. He gave me a hug before leaving to his office. I had a lot of time to myself. I was reading a book on the couch downstairs when the doorbell rang. I put my book down and went to go see who was at the door, thinking it was Will I opened the door while smiling. I immediately frowned when I saw that it was Dr. Chilton.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while trying to not sound rude, though I did anyway.

"You sound disappointed," Dr. Chilton chuckled.

"I am."

   Dr. Chilton let himself in the house and I closed the door behind him but still kept an eye on him.

"What do you want?" I asked in annoyance.

"I came here to tell you that we have a lead on your abductor."

"You're kidding?" My eyes widened in disbelief.

 But wait- How did he know about me being kidnapped and all?

"How did you—"

"Crawford found a file on a very old missing person case yesterday. He found out it was you and is working on your case right now," Chilton explained.

"That doesn't explain how you knew."

"I have my ways."

   I rolled my eyes at him. There was a hard knock on the door. It couldn't be Will... Will knocked lightly. Chilton was about to walk over to the door until I put my arm in front of him, looking while shaking my head. Chilton looked at me with slight concern. I pointed to the kitchen and mouthed the word 'knife' to him, he understood and quietly hurried into the kitchen to retrieve one.

  I slowly walked over to the door as the person on the other side knocked again. I felt Chilton's presence behind me, and so I opened the door. My eyes widened. I was in shock. It was Bill. I grabbed the knife from Chilton and threw it at Bill, it stabbed him in the leg, stunning him. I then slammed the door shut and tried locking it but fumbled.


 I grabbed Chilton's arm and pulled him upstairs with me, hearing the door slam open and footsteps pounding behind us. I ran into Hannibal's room and locked the door. Chilton helped me push a dresser drawer in front of the door.

"Who was that?" Chilton finally caught his breath, "what is going on?!"

"Who do you think it was, you blockhead," I snapped as I caught my breath as well.

"What? He's here?!" Chilton looked nervous but not afraid. He scanned the room and made a plan in his head, "(y/n), I'm going to need you to do as I say."

"Like hell I'm listening to you!"

"LISTEN TO ME," he strained, "I don't want to die any more than you do. I have a plan. So, listen, damnit!"

"Okay! okay," I said, "don't get your panties in a twist."

   I hesitated before agreeing. The door to Hannibal's room started breaking from someone stabbing it and I started hyperventilating. The Shining, anyone?

"I'm going to call Hannibal!" Chilton pulled me over to the window, "You escape through the window. Keep running! Don't look back!" Chilton lowered his voice so that only you could hear him.

  He opened the window for me and told me to go, I looked at him with slight concern but still climbed down out of the window. Little did I know he never made that call.

  I was now running, full speed, away from Hannibal's house. My heart was racing as I ran into the woods and kept running until I was out of breath. My body beginning to cramp.

"I'm getting deja vú..." a dark voice cackled.

   I turned around to see Bill Jones a few feet away from me.

  ah poo.

"Time to come home, (y/n)!" Bill said as he ran to me, slightly limping from the stab I gave him.

   I didn't get far before he grabbed me, I felt something prick into my neck and then I blacked out.


Words: 877
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