Chapter 26 - Pain

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I made my way back to home, hoping that Hannibal was already there. I lightly knocked on the door and Bedeila answered.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed, "there back, Hannibal!"

I walked into the room while gripping my side, the knife still sticking out from my side. I saw that Hannibal was patched up, he walked over to me. He helped me to the table to sit in a chair. I felt hurt that Hannibal wasn't looking for me.

"J-Jack stabbed m-me," I seethed while motioning to the scar, knife still prominent.

Bedeila retrieved some medical supplies and placed them on the table near us. I laid down on the floor with a pillow under my head so that it would be easier for Hannibal to treat the wound. He pulled out the knife slowly and it fucking hurt. I took the pillow from under my head and pressed it hard against my face, screaming loudly in pain. The pillow muffled it and Hannibal squeezed one of my hands in comfort.

"Looks like you'll need stitches."

He cleaned up all of the blood around the wound and rubbed numbing cream around the scar so that I wouldn't feel him putting the stitches in. I dreaded the stitches the most.

Once in a while I would feel a sting of pain from the stitching. While Hannibal was busy stitching, Bedeila bandaged cuts on my arms or face as best as she could without me moving too much. Hannibal was done and put a patch over the scar and I then sat up. It slightly hurt to bend my torso and I tried to not do so much.

"I was worried that I might have lost you," Hannibal pulled me into a tight hug and I cringed because he pressed down on my scar.


    Hannibal released me then carried me to the bedroom.

"We're leaving Italy," Hannibal whispered into my ear.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his chest. I didn't care about asking Hannibal where our next destination was, as long as I was with him it didn't matter.


    Hannibal brought me to an art exhibit, I sat down on a bench to admire the art as Hannibal went to another area of the art exhibit to sketch and wait for someone. I knew that someone was Will. I heard Bedeila mentioned that he was looking for Hannibal.

    heavy breathing was heard next to me and turned my head to the person, it was Will and he looked roughed up. I immediately stood up and faced Will before he continued to walk. Once he saw me his jaw dropped and I right embrace quickly followed.

"Everybody kept telling me you were dead!" He was overjoyed.

      Will was still like an older brother to me, I missed him dearly.

"I've missed you too," I returned the embrace.

    We both let go and then I took another look at him.

"I was pushed off a train," Will knew what I was about to ask.

"Hannibal is in the next room."

   Will nodded in appreciation and was about to walk away until a question dawned on him.

"I haven't figured this out yet... why didn't he... kill you?" Will asked.

     What was I supposed to tell him? Hannibal and I were together? Would Will hate me for that? Would he turn me in?

"We... we are in a relationship of sorts," I sat back down on the bench and turned my attention back to the art.

    I knew that Will would probably be taken aback by what I said. I heard him leave the room to find Hannibal. They were both in there for several minutes before they came out. I walked with Hannibal and Will out of the building and onto a stone road. It was a sunny day in Italy. I'd miss this place.

As I walked besides Will I saw out of the corner of my eye that Will was taking something shiny out of his pocket. Before I could react, a gunshot could be heard. In a heartbeat my ears began to ring loudly and Will fell to the stone ground.

I held my hands over my ears as the ringing wouldn't stop, it hurt. Will was shot and on the ground. Hannibal picked him up, slung him over his shoulder and began to walk as soon as he made sure I was following him.


The ringing faded after a while and I was now in a small apartment. Hannibal was talking to Will and he asked me to give them a minute. I left the room and walked into the dining room. It was set for three people. As I walked around the dining table I saw a small, metal dish set on a wooden drawer over by the windows. I stepped over to it and was slightly shocked once I saw what was on it. A strange cutting machine and a few other tools.

   I ran over to Hannibal and Will but stopped once I saw Hannibal inject something into Will with a syringe.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a bit nervous, "and what is that cutting tool? The one that's in the dining room?"

"I'm going to be very straightforward with you because I do not want to lie or sugar coat anything," Hannibal walked over to me, "I just sedated Will. And the tool is what I'm going to use to open Will's head."

    My eyes widened and I couldn't believe what he just said! Why, of all people, would he continue to harm Will! Cutting open Will's head would kill him.

"W-why would you do that?" I gawked, "that will kill him!"

"I know you won't understand and I'm not going to try to make you understand," Hannibal got closer to me, his face inches from mine, "but I'm going to need you to trust me. I know you'll try to stop me so I'll have to do this."

    In an instant, Hannibal picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I yelped in surprise at the swift movement and then began to flail like a floppy woppy fish.

"Put me down!" I screamed.

    I loved Hannibal but I couldn't let him kill my only other friend! Hannibal brought me into a small bedroom, and locking me inside of it. I heard his footsteps walk away from the bedroom and I began to cry, furiously trying to find a way to escape.


I'm watching Hannibal season 3 while writing this and trying to remember every single detail for the book, so have mercy on me! 😂

Thx for reading!

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